Overprotective <3 (request)

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Thankyou for the request noahhschnappizy

I know it's not exactly what you asked but I just had this idea so I sort of combined them lol

Hope you like it!

I walk over to my boyfriend Noah who is lying on sofa, I prod his shoulder with my finger and say "Noah", but he is fast asleep. I smile to myself and walk over to the other sofa and put the tv on. We were making TikTok's all day and watching movies, he must have fallen asleep when I went to fetch some popcorn.

I'm flicking through Netflix when I hear him snoring, I giggle lightly and stand up slowly. I tip toe over to him and throw popcorn at him, he moves slightly and snores but dosen't wake up. I stifle my laugh and pick his legs and move them so I can sit next to him. He still dosen't wake up; he looks so peaceful sleeping, so I decide to put my earbuds in and watch TikTok's, so I won't wake him up.

Noah's Pov- in his dream

"Hey honey can you tell our daughter to get off her phone" Y/N whispers as she passes me a hot cup of coffee. I look at Hannah sat on the sofa, and she seems so giddy and happy. She has a bright smile on her face and rosy, red cheeks. I know that look.

My fist tightens around the mug of coffee, I storm to the counter and place the mug down with a thud. Hannah jumps slightly and whacks her phone face down on the sofa, my wife frowns at me and sighs. I try to relax and sit next to Hannah, "who you are texting, sweetie?" I mumble.

She widens her eyes slightly and stutters, "nobody". I nod slightly and pick her phone up, "whose Steve?" I say more calmly than I feel. "A friend" Hanna says loudly, I look at her phone and see she named his contact 'baby'.  "More like boyfriend, why didn't you tell me!" I say with furrowed brows, Hannah groans and smacks a pillow at me "because I knew you would act like that!" She explodes.

Y/N sits the other side of Hanna and says calmly, "invite him round to dinner, we would love to meet him". I glare at her, she mouths 'what' at me angrily. I sigh and say, "fine, but if he does anything. I swear I will-" I say but my wife cuts me off with a stern glare.

Time skip- still Noah's dream

It's a Friday night, we're having a family dinner with... Steve. "So, Steve" I say through gritted teeth, I can barely even say his name. "What job are you interested in when your older" I say, Steve looks up from his plate with gravy smeared around his face and says "engineer".  Not going to lie I am kind of surprised by that, I nod and smile slightly.

"So where did you two say you two are going on Friday?" Y/N asks, "oh a drive-in cinema" Steve says. I feel my heart rate quicken, "that's not a good idea" I say firmly. Hannah frowns, "why?". Y/N looks at me, "it's late, you know alcohol and teenagers" I say slowly.

Steve puts his hand on his chest, "I swear there is no alcohol, were literally watching ratatouille" he says. I slump back in my chair and say, "okay" and point at Steve with narrowed eyes "but no later than 8pm". Hannah shouts with an angry expression, "what the hell! The movie starts at 7:30!".

"So?" I say, Hannah groans and stands up letting her chair fall over. She storms out the room, "Steve, come on" she shouts angrily. Before he gets up to leave, I say, "you better not try anything, or I will hunt... you... down!". Steve gulps and nods frantically, Y/N shakes her head at me says "babe, go and apologise. Steve is a nice boy".

I collect myself and go after them two, I see them standing on the door holding hands. Steve leans in and I erupt, "I thought you were a nice boy!" I shout. Hannah rolls her eyes as I walk closer to Steve, "Dad stop overreacting" she screams. "It's fine Hannah he's just overprotective" Steve giggles, and so does Hannah. I throw a punch towards Steve but...

Back to Y/N pov

Noah suddenly jolts awake, kicking me and my popcorn. The popcorn falls to the ground and overflows. I turn to him and laugh, "are you okay". He turns to me with wide eyes and sits up, "I'm a terrible dad". I frown and try and open my mouth to say something, but I am just so confused. "I think it was just a dream" I giggle. Noah nods and wraps his arm around me, I wrap my arms around him and watch him as his eyes flutter closed once again. He looks so cute when he's asleep, I feel butterflies just looking at him.

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this one :)

Always open to requests btw

Steph <3

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