dancing in the rain <3

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"Y/N! Noah! Get inside" My mum yelled from the porch; she was waving her hand to signal us to come inside as it was raining heavily. My boyfriend Noah had just arrived, and we were talking until it started raining. "We should get in" Noah laughed whilst he dodged the raindrops. I was about to walk up the porch stairs when I had an idea. I turned back at him and grinned at Noah. He raised his eyebrow and shook his head; I could tell he didn't like where I was going with this. I crossed my arms and sighed, "you don't even know what I was going to say". He laughed and pointed at me, "I always know it's a bad idea when you pull that expression".

He looked up into the rainy sky and I watched the raindrops travel down his face, he turned his attention back to me and asked , "Y/N may I have this dance?". I gaped at him and squealed, "you literally read my mind".  He pulled a smug expression before teasing "I always know that expression means" and kissing the top of my head.

He gabbed my hand and pulled me into the centre of the road. My mum sighed and shouted, "be careful!" before she closed the house door. Noah smiled slightly and took my hands and looped them around his neck, he wrapped his arms around my waist.

The rain was getting heavier, it flowed down my face like a rainfall. Noah blinked away the raindrops which hung on his eyelashes, "ready" he whispered. I nodded and couldn't help but smile and blush at the way he was looking at me, as if I was his everything.

We slowly started to dance, even though the rain was hitting our bodies hard we still only swayed to the beat of our breathing. Noah started stepping quicker and moving me with him, our eyes locked, and I struggled to breathe. I became lost in his eyes that I accidently stepped on his toe, he winced slightly, and I gasped "oh my god I am so sorry". He laughed it off and twirled me around, my hair fanned around me and drops of rain spit of in every direction. 

Noah smirked at me and pulled me closer to me, "you look beautiful". I shook my head and said, "I look like a wet mop", he frowned and chuckled "a beautiful wet mop then". I laughed and leaned my head on his chest, he laughed too, and I felt his chest shudder. I listened to his heartbeat and grinned, I pulled away and grabbed onto his hands. He twirled me around once again and over and over, we were both laughing and tripping over each other's feet. "You're a terrible dancer" he chuckled, I sarcastically glared at him and tripped him up. "Who's the bad dancer now" I mocked.

He laughed and then tilted me backwards with his hand on the centre of my back, he looked down at me and combed some wet stray hairs behind my ear. I felt heat rush through me as I saw Noah blush, he pulled me back up and then we slow danced once more.

I wanted to stay in this moment forever just me and him, and the rain.

Noah got his phone out his pocket and put on our favourite song, he put his phone on the ground and blasted the music at full volume. A grin lit up his face as he ran back over to me, he picked me up and twirled me around. I squealed and giggled, whilst kicking my feet "Noah!" I laughed. He put me down and then started jumping up and down, I joined in, and we began dancing crazily.

The rain was getting heavier and soon enough I felt like I had been swimming, my clothes were stuck to me, and my hair was plastered on my face. But none of it mattered because Noah was there.

He grabbed my hands again and twirled me around, I smirked and twirled him around too. Noah laughed as he wobbled slightly. grinned brightly and hugged him tightly, he wrapped his arms around me and laughed, "I can't believe we're doing this". I chuckled too, "I can't but it's so fun!" I exclaimed.

He pulled away from me and I rested my hands on his shoulders, he blushes lightly and whispered, "love you". He smiled and glanced at my lips, I feel my heart race and my face feels hot. I go on my tiptoes and let him kiss me gently, he smiles into the kiss which makes me go crazy, I feel dizzy and paralyzed but still I kiss him back.

We pull away and watch him take my hands into his, he looks down at me in that loving way and I say, "I love you too". He smirks and wipes a couple of raindrops away from my face with his thumb and says, "we should go back inside". I nod as we walk towards my house, I still felt butterflies in my stomach.

Hey guys so I am back to posting!

Hope you enjoyed this one :)

Steph  <3

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