surfing <3

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Y/C- your choice

It was a bright and early on a sunny summer's morning, I was surfing at my local beach like usual. I come out in the early hours at it was quieter, I had more freedom to practice without feeling awkward around professionals. I'm not a good surfer but I had been trying hard this summer to improve.

There are huge waves and riptides today, which is perfect even though there is a strong wind. I'm sitting on my board waiting for the perfect wave and watching the sunrise. The sky is beautiful, I am so mesmerized that I don't see the next wave approach. I lie down on my stomach and push through the water with my hands, my arms burn, but I force myself through it. I scramble onto my feet as the wave approaches, but my hair gets blown across my face, I struggle to see as I try to angle my board and balance.

I squint my eyes due to the harsh sun and try to surf the wave, but it obviously wasn't meant to be, I struggle to keep my balance and slip of my board. The cold water I plunge into makes my skin tingle and my eyes burn from the salt, I swim up and break through the water surface. My hair finally gets out my face and I breathe in a huge breath and swim back to my board.

I lean my elbows on my bord and sigh. "Hey, you, okay?" Someone shouts, I jolt slightly and whip my head around. My eyes meet with his. He has gorgeous hazel eyes which sparkle in the sunlight and fluffy brown hair, he smiles softly at me, and I feel my heart skip a beat. I clear my throat and comb my hair out of my face to cover my rosy, red cheeks, "yeah I'm good" I stutter.

He lies down on his surfboard and comes towards me, "you took quite a fall" he says. I look down and sigh, "yeah I know I'm a terrible at surfing". He chuckles slightly and shakes his head, "no you're not! It was a hair malfunction". I look at him and feel a huge sense of relief, most surfers I meet at the beach are so critical.  He gives me a reassuring smile and points into the distance, I struggle to take my eyes off him however when I do I see it. The perfect wave, "let's surf it together" he exclaims. I feel nervous suddenly and shake my head, "no I can't" I mutter. He says softly, "you can only learn by making mistakes, come on" he says happily and grabs my hand.

My skin tingles and I feel my face flush, we lock eyes and I'm shocked to see him blushing. He takes his hand away and pushes his hand through his wet brown hair. He clears his throat and lies on top of his boards; he signals for me to do the same. We both lay on our surf boards waiting for the wave.

"How long have you been surfing?" I ask, he looks at me and says, "my whole life". My eyebrows shoot up in shock, "wow you must be amazing" I say. He laughs and shrugs awkwardly, "I'm okay". I roll my eyes and say, "you need to give yourself more credit".  He smiles and says "fine, but you need to be more confident. Believe in yourself", I frown but before I can say anything he whispers, "because I believe in you". We lock eyes and suddenly I'm in a trance, as if I am unable to take my eyes of him. I feel my heart beating so quickly that I can almost hear it, why do I feel like this?

I feel my stomach flutter as I am unable to comprehend what he just said, I open my mouth to say something, but I feel the wind getting stronger. We both look up simultaneously and see the wave, it's huge. The boy smirks and gives me a reassuring nod before starting to move closer to the wave. I follow him and watch him closely, he's so handsome and caring. For some silly reason his words have really affected me, I feel more confident.

We both push through the water faster and then stand up on our boards, I bend my knees and narrow my eyes at the wave. I angle my board towards the wave and feel myself gain speed, the wave is bigger than we expected because it starts to fall over us, creating a tunnel. The boy is in front of me and is effortlessly gliding on the surface of the water, I feel calmer watching him that it allows me to relax more and soon enough I am surfing confidently.

He surfs out the tunnel and so do I, my shoulders drop, and a bright smile appears on my face. The boy turns his head to me and grins brightly then he throws his arms up and shouts, "that was amazing". I laugh and throw my arms in the air too, but the wave splashes onto the surface so hard that my board slips from underneath me.

I plunge one again into the dark, icy depths of the ocean. I feel my hair blanket around my face as I claw with my hands at the water. The turbulence of the wave flings me around so much that I feel dizzy, I swear I even flipped upside down a few times.  I feel a muffled voice but that's all then feel a warm hand grip mine, it pulls me out of the water. The boy wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me up onto my board.

I heave a deep breath and feel him comb my hair out of my face and behind my ears, I blink away the water drops which have clung to my eyelashes and see him. He looks worried but his eyes have softened once he realises, I'm okay. I gulp and let my breathing return to its norm before saying, "thank you". He nods his head and says, "no problem".  "My names Noah by the way" he says abruptly I chuckle and say breathlessly, "Y/N".

Time skip

I'm sitting at the beach café waiting for Noah to get me a drink, he took me here to calm me down. That fall hit me hard, I'm not as experienced in surfing those type of waves as Noah. My head is throbbing, and I keep shivering, so I decide to put my earbuds in and listen to my favourite playlist.

Noah places a tray down on the table which has two cups of hot chocolate and some cake (You can change it if you want), "thought you needed a treat" he smiles. I take my ear buds out and exclaim, "thankyou Noah". I dig into the cake and quickly devour the whole piece, Noah chuckles and shakes his head. I frown at him as he reaches out and wipes cake of my face, "you had cake" he says nervously. I purse my lips and feel my cheeks flush, "sorry" I say feeling embarrassed. He shakes his head and says with a smirk, "no it's cute".

I feel my stomach drop and my breath hitch, did he really call me cute!

We both sit in silence for a while just watching the waves but as the clouds cover the sun I start to shiver and feel cold. Noah grabs my towel and drapes it over my shoulders, I press my lips together to hide my grin. But I can't help but smile; he makes me feel so special.

I try to put my ear buds in, but my phone dies and they disconnect, I sigh and fold my arms over my chest. "Whets wrong" Noah asks as he eats his cake, I giggle slightly at the sight of his chocolate smeared face. He stares at me blankly, "you've got cake" I say as I gesture towards his face. He chuckles awkwardly and wipes his face.

"Looks like you're not the only messy eater" He teases, I glare at him, but I can't help my smile escaping. "You've got a pretty smile" he says gently, and before I know it, I'm back in this trance where I struggle to breathe, and I can feel my heart beating out my chest.

He clears his throat awkwardly and asks, "is your phone dead?". I nod before saying, "I listen to music after surfing, I've got a literal playlist for it". Noah gapes at me and exclaims, "me too!" once he shows me his playlist. He puts one air pod in his ear and gestures for me to have the other, I feel my stomach flutter as I take it off him. Our hands graze each other's and I feel my skin burn up and tingle, "thanks" I say breathlessly.

The first song which comes on is my favourite, it's Y/C and I always listen to it after surfing. I whisper, "I love this song" to Noah, he looks at me and smiles. We both look out at the sea for a while just admiring the sunset when I suddenly feel his hand on top of mine. We both avoid each other's eye contact, but I know he is smiling, it makes my heart skip a beat and I can hardly contain my excitement. I feel butterflies in my stomach, but I'm not nervous, he makes me feel safe.

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this imagine!

Thanks for nearly 2K reads, ly all <3

Steph xx

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