S3C10: unbelievable team up

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Picking up where we left off Owlette was still determined to get Romeo for what he did to her and mostly what he did with Catboy. But it wasn't going to well, even with Gekko helping they were losing. Now the two are laying on the ground really hurt and couldn't get up again. Romeo was still in his suit standing in front of them.

Romeo: you put up a good fight but it looks like I still win, so why don't you give up

Owlette: never. she said in a weak voice

Romeo: so be it. as he raised his arm and made a fist

Romeo: goodbye PJ pests. he said as he started to bring his fist down

Owlette closed her eyes waiting for the hit but it didn't happen, she opened her eyes to see the fist in front of her face and trying to move but couldn't.

Romeo: what is happening. he said shocked and confused

Romeo, Gekko, and Owlette looked at the arm and saw something was wrapped around it.

Owlette: Gekko is that what I think that is. she asked

Gekko: yeah it looks like a cat stripe but it is a lighter color than normal. he answered confused

The mysterious stripe then started to wrap around Romeo's suit really fast

Romeo: who is doing this show yourself right now. he commanded

Behind him someone appeared and the three looked at him, and all then got shocked faces

Owlette: C......Ca.......Catboy. she said

The person was Catboy but it wasn't the usual one. His suit was blue but it had white stripes on it, half of his symbol on his chest was black, and he had one blue eye, and one black eye.

Romeo: how are you here and awake you were supposed to be sleep forever. he asked mad

Catboy: I had help from two people

Romeo: who are these two

Catboy: their is only one you need to know

Romeo: who is it. he asked as Catboy twitched his head

????: that would be me. as that came out of Catboy's mouth

The three were shocked to hear the slight change in his voice till Romeo knew who said that.

Romeo: Night Panther

Night Panther: the one and only. he said still through Catboy's mouth

Romeo: what is going on. he said as Catboy twitched his head again

Catboy: we teamed up to take you out

Romeo: how did that happen. he asked

(Now we are at the time were we do a flash back from when Catboy opened his eyes to them getting there)

Catboy was in his bed and just opened his eyes and sat up on his bed

Catboy: what happened to me. he asked himself (which he didn't know that it was literally)

????: you got hit with a special sleep gas. said a mysterious voice

Catboy was surprised to hear that, he looked to his right and their was Night Panther leaning against the wall

Catboy: how did you get in here. he asked a little shocked

Night Panther: I had no idea

Catboy: so your the evil version of me, what happened to me. he sad still wanting to know and he stood up

Night Panther: Romeo hit you with sleep gas that should of made you sleep forever, but thanks to me and someone else you woke up. he said as Catboy was surprised

Catboy: who else helped. he asked

Night Panther went to him and whispered in his ear who helped and Catboy was shocked

Catboy: ok but why did you help me your are or at least should be evil

Night Panther: I have my reasons

Catboy: which are. he asked and Night Panther whispered in his ear again

Night Panther: anyway Romeo is at your HQ with a new suit, Owlette and Gekko are having trouble dealing with it and even if you go you can't deal with it on your own. he said as Catboy was thinking

Catboy: then maybe I won't be alone, if we work together we could probably deal with it. he said

Night Panther: I don't know about this. he said as he turned his back to him

Catboy: come on, if two people of the same person work together we may be unbeatable, it will only be this once if you want. he suggested

Night Panther: ok but for it I want something

Catboy: what. he asked as Night Panther whispered in his ear again

Catboy: deal. he said as they shake hands and merged together and left

Flashback is over, after telling them, Romeo and Catboy with Night Panther started to fight. I won't say the fight but it was intense. By the end of it Romeo was coming out of the moat with his suit sparking a lot then his suit turned back into a remote and broke and fell to the floor really fried.

Romeo: I will get you next time PJ pests with or without Night Panther. he said as he left

now for the next part we are inside Catboy, and all we see and Catboy and Night Panther next to each other in a black place

Catboy: we did it

Night Panther: you know, that was kind of fun

Catboy: but now I think it's time for you to go back where you belong

Night Panther: I know but don't forget our deal

Catboy: I know, I will keep our deal

Night Panther: you better or I am taking the driver's seat...........and I may not give it back. he said as he walked to Catboy, glowed a ghostly white, and went back inside him.

Outside of Catboy, his suit turned back to normal with Night Panther back in him.

Owlette: CATBOY. she said loudly and went to him and gave him a hug letting out a few tears of happiness

Catboy returned the hug. Gekko wanted to join the hug, but he knew Owlette needed it more.

Owlette: how exactly did you managed to wake up, she asked as she broke the hug

Catboy: I will tell you later, for now we should get you two inside HQ and get you two fixed

So Catboy brought Owlette and Gekko to HQ to help fix their wonds.

That's it for this story. Catboy managed to defeat Romeo with some help from Night Panther. Comment below who you think also helped wake Catboy up as well as what you think Night Panther wanted from the deal they made. There are only one or two parts left in this story and the whole thing. See you then.

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