S3C8: suspicious gas

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Previously Owlette managed to turn Night Panther back into Catboy, and the two just stopped hugging and Gekko went to them.

Gekko: nice having you back Catboy

Catboy: thanks Gekko. he said as they fist bumped

The three were about to leave but Romeo stopped them.

Romeo: hold PJ's I am not done yet

Owlette: really. she said in a mocking voice

Romeo: yeah, I had a feeling you would still manage to free your friend so I have put another plan in my plan. he said as he got out another ray

Catboy: what is that

Romeo: you will see, so take this. as he fired it and a pink gas came out and went to them

The PJ masks noticed and try to run cause the gas was going fast. But then Owlette tripped and fell cause she ran instead of fly and the cloud was about to get her but Catboy got in front and protected Owlette but got hit with the gas. A few seconds later he fell to the floor as the others went to him. (me: from when Owlette tripped to the others going to Catboy on the floor, NOW WHERE HAVE I SEEN OR HEARD THAT BEFORE :))

Gekko and Owlette tried to wake Catboy up, but they couldn't.

Gekko: what did you do to him this time Romeo. he asked mad

Romeo: your friend just got him by my knock out gas that puts who ever gets hit with it to sleep

Owlette: so what we can just wake him up

Romeo: well bird brain you can try but this type of gas puts who ever gets hit with it to sleep FOREVER. he said making Owlette and Gekko look surprise

Owlette and Gekko then picked Catboy up and left the flying factory and got to the PJ jet and went back to HQ. When they got back, they put Catboy on a table and tried anything and everything they could think of to wake him up (some examples they poked him, pinched him, shined light in his eye, made loud noises, and took a bucket full of ice water and poured it on him) but no matter what they did, he was still asleep.

Owlette: I cant believe it, we tried possibly all the ways to wake up and he is still asleep

Gekko: you don't think Romeo was right for once, that he will never wake up again. as he was starting to believe it

Owlette didn't want to believe it, but looking at what they tried she started to let herself believe that it was true.

Owlette: maybe but for now we should get him home and tell his parents. she said a little sad

Gekko: ok. he replied also sad

So Owlette and Gekko took Catboy home and when they got their they knocked on the door and both parents answered (for some reason both were still up) and they were shocked to see them.

CM: hey guys what's up, you don't normally knock on the door. she said confused

Owlette: we have something to tell you

CD: what. he asked

Gekko: tonight Catboy was taken by Romeo and he turned him evil, but luckily Owlette turned him back. he stated

CD: thanks for that Amaya. he said relieved

Owlette: no problem but their is more, after that Romeo hit him with some gas that made him fall asleep, and he said that he would sleep forever........we also tried to wake him up but nothing we did worked. she finished a little sad

CM: so your saying that our son will never wake up again. she said/asked starting to get a little sad

Owlette and Gekko just nodded making both parents feel sad. They then gave their sleeping son a hug sad to know that he will never wake up again. Then they brought him to his room and left him on his bed.

CM: I really hate this Romeo fellow. she said mad and sad

CD: me too honey. he said giving her a hug

Gekko: don't worry we will give him what he deserves right Owlette

Owlette didn't reply back she was just looking at Catboy letting a few tears fall.

Owlette: if it's ok......can you leave me alone with him. she asked a little sad

The others noticed her sadness and decided to let her be with him. Owlette then got close to him and grabbed his hand.

Owlette: Catboy.......I don't know if you can hear me but.....I just want to say that......I am so sorry for what I have been doing to you......blaming you for the bad stuff that happened to me and I possibly have a thing to do with you turning evil.......and now........you got hit by the strange gas protecting me and now you will never wake up again. she started with pauses in it and she was crying.

Owlette: Catboy.......I also want to tell you that........even though we hated each other.....I still have feelings for you and I wanted to tell you this but my hatred prevented it (she then grabbed his head) I LOVE YOU. she finished

Then she kissed him on his lips for a while then stopped. A few seconds later Gekko came in the room.

Gekko: Owlette, PJ robot just told me that Romeo is heading to HQ, we need to go

Owlette: but how can I........without. she said starting to cry again looking at Catboy

Gekko: come on Owlette, he would want to go on.......lets beat Romeo.......For Catboy. he said grabbing her hands

Owlette then nodded and Gekko left, Before Owlette left she looked at Catboy again then closed the door slowly. A few seconds after she closed the door, Catboy started to glow (like when he uses his powers) but this time instead of glowing his normal blue color, he glowed PURPLE.

That's it for this chapter. Romeo had another part of his plan and now put Catboy in a really deep sleep. Comment below why you think Catboy's suit would suddenly glow purple instead of blue. See you later.

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