S1C3: new mission

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Everyone was still shocked that Catboy asked what a Catboy was. Owlette then went close to him and hold out her hand making Catboy get even more scared.

Owlette: look at me do I look like I would hurt you. she asked as Catboy still scared looking at her

Catboy: no you don't. he said scared

Owlette: then take my hand. she said

Catboy hesitated for a bit then still scared slowly reached out and grabbed Owlette's hand. Then Owlette slowly made Catboy stand up.

Owlette: look at everyone here, no one in this building would hurt you. she said calmly as Catboy looked at everyone and believed her

Owlette: PJ robot why is Catboy like this. she asked

PJ robot: I did a detailed scan on Romeo's new machine and Catboy's current condition, Romeo's new machine causes whoever gets hit with it to lose their memory. (PJ robot is still sounding like his usual way, I am just putting it like this)

Owlette: that explains some parts but what about him acting so scared. she asked curiously

PJ robot: it has a little glitch, whoever gets hit has one of their emotions go haywire, and as you can tell his fear emotion is in control right now 

Catboy: sorry to interrupt your conversation but can you guys tell me who you are, where we are, and who I possibly am. He asked wanting to know

Gekko: well first of all everyone here except for the two grown ups are a team of superhero's called the PJ masks and you are superhero name is Catboy with cat powers, but your real name is Connor. he explained

Catboy: my name is Connor, and if they are not part of this team then who are they. he asked referring to the parents

CM: we are your parents Connor. she said

Catboy:oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh that makes sense.

Owlette: to continue the robot is named PJ robot, the green guy's superhero name is Gekko with Gecko powers and his real name is Greg, and my superhero name is Owlette with owl powers and my real name is Amaya. she explained

After Owlette explained the rest of the team's name, Catboy hold his hand to his head like it just got hurt

Owlette: are you ok. she asked a little worried

Catboy: yeah, it's just the last two names made my head go thump, and I am also wondering if I am going to stay memory less forever. he said and asked worried

PJ robot: I looked into that and even though you guys can help Catboy remember somethings, the only way for him to get all his memories back is for him by himself to remember something that to him is one of the greatest things to happen to him. PJ robot explained

Gekko: but how will we know what moment that is and what he did. He asked

Owlette: I don't know but it looks like we have a new mission, while dealing with the usual bad guys we are going to help out friend get his memories back. she said putting a hand on his shoulder

So then Owlette and Gekko showed Catboy how to cahnge to and from his superhero suit, then the five went back home with Catboy's mom and dad showing him where his home is and how to get there.

That's it for this chapter. Catboy has now lost his memory and his friends are going to help him remember. Let me know in the comments what you think Catboy has to remember by himself to get all his memories back. Let me also know how my story is doing so far. See you next time.

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