Chapter 3; Lost

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Boboiboy, unable to sleep, gets up and walks to the nearby river in hopes of finding anything interesting he could waste his time on. Just as he was about to reach the river, a faint sound of someone familiar humming stopped him in his tracks.

There laid Yaya on the grassy field beside the river and beneath the moonlight, humming a tune with her eyes closed. She seemed to be relaxed.

Is that Yaya? What's she doing here in the middle of the night?  Boboiboy thought to himself as he sat at the nearby tree and listened to her voice. It seemed to be calming tune that caused all his struggle to sleep earlier fade away. The sound of the waters, the chill of the night, and the lovely melody had cause him to sleep in no time.


Waking up from the rays of sun beaming at his face, Boboiboy grunts from the sunlight,

how does Solar even manage to shoot beams from his eyes without getting blind? Must be those visors. . . I should probably get one myself. Boboiboy thought to himself as he adjusted to the environment.

Hold on, wasn't I by the river last night? How come I'm back at our camp? Ah, must've been Yaya. He smiled at the thought and sat up to look for the mentioned girl. Unfortunately, she wasn't in sight so he cleaned up the camp and packed everything back.

Just then Yaya came flying past him before going back to carry him as they kept flying until she saw a big tree, enough to hide the both of them. She quickly flew behind the tree. "What the-" before he could say anything else Yaya immediately hushed him, "There are aliens after me! Well, us, so you need to be quiet." She whispered as a hoard of aliens ran past them.

Sighing in relief, Yaya immediately gets back up. "The coast is clear, I'm pretty sure that's all of them." Boboiboy soon got up to look around, nodding his head at her, "Well I'm sure they won't be able to find us anytime soon now. Mind telling me what happened right before I was dragged all the way here?" Face fushing in embarrassment Yaya huffed in reply, "Well long story short I stepped on one of their traps a little over two hours ago and when they captured me I escaped."

"How does that even work? Don't you like- fly?" Sighing, Yaya replied "I don't fly all the time you know..." "Oh, right." Boboiboy chuckled as pink dusted his cheeks. "Well where are we right now exactly?" Boboiboy questioned as he took notice of their surroundings.

"That-" Yaya began, as she took notice as well. "-I don't know." Great. Now we're lost. Yaya thought to herself as she tried contacting Ying. "I can't contact Ying, can you?" Boboiboy sighed as he couldn't either. "No, I also tried looking at the map to find out where we are, but to no avail, we don't have a signal here." Yaya grumbled as she tried over and over again. "Agh! It's like the signals been blocked!"

She huffed until she remembered something. "Do we at least have food?" Yaya had hope that boboiboy had at least carried their food. "Mm, nope, I was about to pick  our bags from the camp until you flew past me." Hope? Crushed.

Suddenly a beam of light was headed their way, acting quickly, Boboiboy takes Yaya's hand and pulls her just before the ray could touch her. "What was that?!?" Yaya yells in confusion. "If we don't get out of here, we're gonna find out pretty soon." Boboiboy pulls Yaya as he transforms to cyclone, quickly flying away before another beam of light could blast him. "Hey- I can fly you know!" Yaya yelled and Boboiboy quickly let go of her hand. "Oops- sorry! I was caught up in the moment!" Yaya flew past him and yelled back. "Well we better go faster if we don't wanna get caught up in THAT." Just when Cyclone looked behind him, claws of metal appeared just in front of him. "Don't get too distracted! Just keep running away from them!" Yaya yelled as she punched the metal away from him "Sorry! I can't let you capture my friend!".

Cyclone chuckled in reply, "Don't you mean flying?" "Whatever, follow me, I know a way to lose them!" Yaya yelled as she made a sharp turn to the left. The robots following just from behind. Dodging trees left and right until she found a place filles with vines, "There! They'll get stuck in those vines!"

Cyclone nodded and at full speed they flew towards the vines and just before they were about to hit them, they flew straight up. The robots not anticipating this got tangled up in the vines. "How do you know those vines won't break easily?" Cyclone asked Yaya as she nervously chuckled recalling a memory just a few hours ago. "Well, that was the trap I got caught in. I couldn't get out until the vines tied to me got too close to the fire."

"I see, so the vines' weakness is just fire? Great! This is an advantage for us since we've got my fire element up and ready." Yaya scolded him, "You can't do that! It's nature, you can't just burn every forest you see."  He laughed sheepishly, "I wasn't actually gonna do it you know."

Finally spotting a clear place to walk, they landed and Cyclone reverted back to Boboiboy. "Oh! Right uhm," Yaya looked at him wondering what he was about to say. Suddenly his words got caught up on his throat, her eyes looking at him expectantly waiting for whay he has to say. He stared at her until she broke the silence.

"Ahem, Right? Are you gonna finish your sentence or do I have to finish it for you." She smiled as he spat out random words. "No! I mean yes- that's not what I meant!" She giggled, "Really? What is it then?" He took a deep breath and sighed. "Well y'know, about earlier, sorry for taking your hand without saying anything first." Her eyes widened, and she sighed, "It's alright. You already said sorry and plus, I would've probably been killed if you didn't do that." She smiled at him as a sign of forgiveness, and he smiled back.

"We better find shelter soon, judging by the sky it looks like it's about to rain any time soon." Boboiboy was right, the sky was turning grey and it was getting windy, so she nodded at him and they both looked for a good spot to spend the night at. Once they found a place boboiboy transformed to Quake and made a big enough tent for the two of them before transforming back.

"Great, we're lost with no food because we left everything back at the camp. Can this day get any worse?" The loud thunder gave Yaya an answer. "Ah nature, how can you ever be so cruel to me?" Chuckling, Boboiboy who was now Api, started a fire to keep them warm. "Go rest Yaya, we'll search tomorrow when the skies' cleared." Humming in agreement, Yaya walked over to sleep at the leaf made sleeping bag daun created for her. Yawning, "Tell Daun I appreciate the sleeping bag. Go to sleep as well, you'll need your energy. Goodnight."

Api, reverted to his normal form to rest, replied. "Sure, sleep well. Goodnight"


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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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