Chapter 8

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        I woke up this morning and did the usual. I was so excited that am going out with Gio this evening for an ice cream but a part of me was hoping it could be like a date... I took my bathe and got dressed then rushed downstairs to prepare breakfast for Gio but I was shocked to see his parents at the living room with Gio. I got all scared (don't get me wrong, Gio's parents are loving and sweet but am scared to be around them because they are intimidating). "Good morning Mr and Mrs Demakis, how is everything" I asked only for Mrs Demakis to scold me and tell me to call her Mum and call her husband Dad I reluctantly agreed...

"The main reason why I came here is to inform you of the banquet we are  having on Saturday were I would officially be stepping down for my son". Mr Demakis(dad) said. I was so happy for Gio that I hugged him and took his dad by surprise but I saw in his eyes that he was happy his son was making improvement in the relationship.

After Gio came back from work, he got changed and we went out for my ice cream... We got to were they sell ice cream and I bought the mint flavour while Gio bought the strawberry flavour. "I never knew you take strawberry Mr Almighty Gio i said teasing him and he replied by rubbing the ice cream on my face and immediately I did the same and we went on playing around. When we were done, we went home and too a shower separately then proceeded for dinner.
After the dinner, we decided to watch a movie titled Bel Air... While watching the movie, I decided to ask Gio a question. "Gio why are you so nice to me all of a sudden, I just want to know and don't tell me nothing" I told him... "Wow I love that name you called me and to answer your question, am beginning to appreciate you and I decided that for us to have peace in this house, we could just be friends but mind you, I can never love you at all so don't expect that from me" he said it casually but it hurt me that my own husband can't love me but it is ok since we can be friends I would just adjust... I lost interest in the movie and decided to go and sleep and Gio too decided to leave since he was feeling sleepy.  I got to my room and shut the door and began crying because the man I love would never love me....


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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