chapter 41

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luke "well, you know, it has its perks."
clary "shall we?"
alec "yeah. right."
we all walk into the institute.

jace "right now, clary is the only thing that matters."
clary "jace!"
jace turnes around.
jace "clary!"
i stood next to alec as jace and clary hug.

clary "i did it. i got the cup."
jace "i don't care about the cup."
jace "when i came out of the tunnels, i didn't see you. i was worried something might have happened--"
clary "there was a demon."
clary "shapeshifter. it looked just like you."

jace "you all right?"
clary "yeah, yeah, i'm fine."
jace "and the demon?"
clary "i sent him straight back to hell."
jace "how'd you know it wasn't me?"

clary "i just knew."
jace "really?"
jace "kind of a risk, wasn't it?"
clary "well, this may come as a suprise, but i actually do listen to some of the things you tell me."
clary "you just have to pay attention to the details."

jace "yeah, well, i told you the first time we met, you have the sight."
jace "you're a shadowhunter, just like the rest of us."

they started kissing and alec walkes away.

me "get a room we don't need you to have sex in front of us."

the shadow in Shadowhunters Where stories live. Discover now