chapter 40

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alec "well, at least we know the demon necklace works."
jace "never a dull day. let's go."
we all start walking away.
clary "guys, slow down."
she bumps  into a old woman.
clary "[gasps] oh, i am so sorry."

the old woman roars and has tentacles things as a mouth. jace walkes behind it.
jace "grandma."
grandma turns around and jace stabs it.

clary "what the hell?"
jace "language not in front of grandma."
me "you might be lucky, she could be defeated."
alec "how did it find us?"
jace "i don't know.."
jace "but she brought friends."
clary "how can you tell?"
jace "it's like seeing though a glamour."
jace "you just got to pay attention to the details."

clary "but i can't see anything."
izzy "behind us."
we all kept on walking however clary kept looking back.
clary "i.. i still can't see them."

clary "okay, there's too many people."
alec "i don't say this often, but i agree with clary."
me "i agree."
jace "we gotta get out of here."
clary "hey, this way!"

we all ran down some stairs to a locked door.
clary "[panting] what's the unlock rune again?"
jace kicks the door down.
jace "open sesame."
jace "go"

jace "hey, what are you doing?"
alec "holding them off. take clary back to the institute."
jace "no, if you're staying, i'm staying. we fight together."

alec "don't be stupid. if the demon's get the cup, we're dead anyways."
jace "i'm not leaving anyone behind."
alec "you don't have a choice."
clary "i know you guys are having a moment, okay? but we really have to go."

izzy "don't worry. it's not like this is the first time alec has saved your life."
izzy "i doubt it'd be the last."
alec "go."
i stayed by alec side.
me "guess it just us, they don't need more help on there side."
alec smiled.

we walked to clary with luke.

luke "clary!"
clary "get back!"
clary "how do i know you're luke?"
luke "i got you spray paint for your birthday."
luke "what happened?"
clary "uh, demons."

clary "long story. um..."
clary "where'd you come from?"
luke "jail."
luke "i ran into alec and leo."
luke "said you might be down here. thought you might need some help."

alec "apparently not. looks like she took care of it."
clary "shouldn't we get going or something?"
clary "more demons could be coming, right?"
luke "oh, don't worry about it."
luke "i got the pack on the lookout."

luke "if there's any other demons, we'll take care of them."
clary "look at you, leader of the pack."

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