The Frozen Tear

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The valley was a warm orange, golden in the sunlight. With the air being more breathable Sebastian decided to go outside and enjoy the cooler temperature. Red and orange leaves satisfyingly crunched beneath his feet as he went to sit at the mine entrance and enjoy a moment of peace.

I wonder when it'll rain next? He thought as he watched the lake. He missed seeing the frogs hop around and the relaxing sound of the droplets as they bounced off of the sapphire water.

"Sebastian," It was Demetrius, Sebastian rolled his eyes and continued to watch the water, "I see you've finally decided to leave your room."
He grumbled feeling his energy draining away
"Have you found a job yet?"
"I have-"
"A real job, like Maru."
Sebastian got up to leave for the mines. He noticed the farmer as she got off the mine cart.

"Ah! I was coming to see you." she said
"I have this for you. I found it recently." she handed him a frozen tear, "I thought you'd like it."
"I love it." He said smiling, "How did you know?"
"Well out of everyone in town it seems like something you would enjoy most."
"Thanks." He mumbled, his bad mood from Demetrius faded away. "It's harvest season right?"
"Yeah it's pretty busy." She sighed, "But it's rewarding work, better than working for Joja."
"Sam works there and hates it."
"I've seen yeah." She giggled, "How has your work been?"
"Its ok I'd say. It must be cool to be able to go into the mines for money."
"It's quite exciting but can be dangerous."
He thought about the rock crab and agreed.
"Well I best go. I need to sort out the farm."
"Thank you for the gift." He said and she climbed into the mine cart
"No problem!" She waved as the mine cart travelled away

Sebastian kept the frozen tear on his desk. He spent the next couple of days in his room, reading sci-fi novels and messaging Sam. He enjoyed getting lost in his novels, feeling far away from the stresses of having to work. He could sink into the pages and live an exciting life. Sebastian wanted to go to the city however couldn't afford to ride out of Pelican town. He had spent the last of his savings on previous journeys and comics. He thought about getting a second job however he couldn't face the competition with Maru. It was times like this where Zuzu city seemed perfect. However looking at the tear and thinking of the farmer and Sam made him feel more content and happy. The cooler weather helped him feel more at home too. Things didn't feel as bad as they could do and it gave him hope.

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