Sams Birthday II

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The night passed quickly after many games of pool and Journey of the Prairie King. Unsurprising Sebastian beat Sam at everything however Sam remained bright and cheery eating pizza and drinking Joja Cola. His smile was contagious, as bright as the summer sun.

As he finished his last can of Joja cola Sam said, "You know what? This may be my best birthday yet!"
In a world that seemed bleak and hopeless Sam was the light that made Sebastian feel alive. He grinned and said, "It was definitely better than last year."
"Stupid Lewis, stupid community service."
"You did break Haley and Emily's window."
"By accident!" He exclaimed
Sebastian laughed, "Well I better get back home, I have work tomorrow."
Sam sighed
"What's up?"
"I dunno, it'd just be nice to have more nights like this. I know you're busy but I just miss it, you know?"
"I know but I need to work, to get out of here and to feel worth something."

They walked to the centre of town in silence. Guilt filled Sebastian he could cry but didn't want to make a scene especially not after such a good night.

"Would you still keep in touch?" Sam asked, his gloomy tone hurt Sebastian, he'd never seen Sam so down. His eyes were sad and he looked lost.
"Of course I would, you're the only person in town I'd really miss."
"What about the farmer?" Sam sniggered, his mood and switched back to his jokey happy self
Sebastian rolled his eyes, "Well maybe her too but you're always going to be my best friend."
Sam grinned, "I better be off then."

Sebastian headed back home embracing the cool night air and listening to the insects. It was so calm and quiet, quite the opposite of the Saloon atmosphere.

As he reached his house he stopped and looked over that the cave. He hadn't been in for a while after a crab attacked him. He looked at the scar it left. He missed the caves the sense of adventure they bought him.

Maybe I can go just for an hour or so...

He climbed down and sat watching the slimes bounce around, fascinated their vibrancy. He hid behind a rock to avoid their hostility. He had dreamed of breeding slimes and owning a slime hut after hearing about it. He imagined the glory of having a prismatic slime. After he looked into it and saw the cost he was brutally forced back to dreary reality.

As he checked the time he was shocked at how late it had gotten. half three? For fucks sake... Miserable, he  climbed back up to the surface.

One thing he liked about his family not taking his work seriously was that he was never nagged about going to bed early. Demetrius constantly forced Maru to get plenty of sleep so she would "be ready to tackle the day". But he never got that lecture, not that Demetrius ever seemed to care about his sons well being anyway he was too occupied with Maru and bragging about her success.

As he crawled into bed Sebastian had never longed for a window more to watch the sun slowly rise and to see the birds begin to fly around. He hadn't had experience that for years. He flicked through a graphic novel before drifting off to sleep.

He dreamed of driving to the city. The cool air blowing through his hair, city lights glowing in the distance and a world of opportunities. It felt romantic, like a storybook and it was his life. He began to approach it, so close to a better life he felt the butterfly's fluttering gently in his stomach. He was nervous but excited and ready for the adventure. However, the closer he got to ZuZu city the further away it went. It was like a game of cat and mouse, he drove faster and faster yearning for his new life. He shouted, cried, begged but nothing. His dream fled him, his life in the valley was inevitable. He could never escape it.

He woke up sweating and wondering if the dream meant anything at all.

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