Alister: Well, well, well if it isn't Jaune Arc. I'm impressed that you foiled my plans, you disrupted my reinforcements, killed nearly all the Atlas and White Fang that I brought, and even destoryed my Grimm horde! But not this time! This time you will be the one that's going to lose. Because-

In Jaune and everyone's point of view, they watch Alister on the Wyvern high in the sky as they can hear him talking but they can't understand what he is saying.

Jaune: What?!

Alister: I will continue where Cinder left off and finish this task she gave me, because this is not business anymore this is personal! After all you-

And they still can't hear what Alister is saying as Winter looks towards Jaune, confused and looks towards him, he's confused as well.

Jaune: What?

As Jaune gestures to JA to get with the plan as this is a complete waste of time.

Alister: And with Team RWBY and that little Spartan on my side, you have no hope in stopping me-

As Alister looks and sees that JA has thrown Jaune towards him as he grabs Alister off of the Wyvern as JA fires a Laser Core at the Wyvern Grimm disintegrating it into ash.

Alister: Get off!

As Jaune uses his booster pack to bring Alister towards Ozpin's Office and away from everyone else.

Meanwhile Ren and Nora are still dealing with Team RWBY and Pyrrha. They look behind them and see a laser shot at the sky and can hear a Grimm screeching in pain.

Ren: Looks like Jaune's got this handled

Nora: Well good for him, cause we have other problems at hand!

As Nora charges at Pyrrha and Yang as she dodges an attack from Yang as she uses her grapple and got Yang in the back. She sees Pyrrha then pulls Yang up in the air and used the grapple to slam her towards Pyrrha. But she dodges as Nora dashes towards Pyrrha as she blocks using her shield as Nora delivers punches towards shield, denting it with her brass knuckles.

She then drops a smoke grenade in the ground as she sees Yang charging towards her, the area then began getting engulfed in smoke as both Yang and Pyrrha can't see you Nora as they both fire in different directions. Then all of a sudden, Yang's prosthetic arm just fell to the ground.

As Nora appears from the smoke and punches Yang in the stomach then begins hitting her chest and sides as she grabs her head and headbutts it. Pyrrha attacks her with her lance but Nora grabs her hand and karate chops her neck. Then Nora goes down and does a spin kick as Pyrrha tumbles to the ground.

Yang charges at Nora and grabs her as she elbows Yang's back then kicks her in the stomach then punches her throat and kick her multiple times in the stomach and legs as she throws her to the ground. Nora delivers a kick to her in the face to knock her out, but she gets up as Nora does a jump spin kick and knocks her out for good.

Pyrrha throws her shield at Nora while nearly dented her helmet as she charges at her with her lance. Nora gets into a stance, Pyrrha gets closer then takes a swing at Nora as she grabs her arm and kicks Pyrrha in the knee, she goes down to the floor kneeling as Nora kicks her kicks her elbow very hard, breaking her arm as Pyrrha screams in pain. Nora then began punching her in the face then to her stomach and legs as she delivers a spin kick to her face as she goes down to the ground then Nora raises her leg up and slams it towards Pyrrha's head knocking her out.

Wit Ren, Ruby charges at him as he uses his boosters to dodge her scythe attacks. Then when he found an opening he took it as Ruby delivers one slash Ren delivers an uppercut on Ruby's face then punches her in the throat as she was dazed then kicked her in the knee as she went down to the ground, Ren took this oppurtunity to grab her weapon and placed a grenade inside a threw it away from them as her weapon explodes into pieces.

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