-ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙-

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Zacky was laying on the kitchen floor nursing a whiskey bottle, thinking about what went wrong, hours ago he found his wife on their bed with another man. He had given her everything he had and apparently that wasn't enough for her. She left the house with the man and didn't even apologize, on the contrary, she insulted him. She knew that he didn't felt confortable with his body, so she attack him until he had nothing left.
His phone rang getting him out of his thoughts:
-Hello? Brian?
-Zack? Where are you?
-At my place
-You drunk?
-Why do you care
-Zacky we fucking care!! That is why I'm calling
-I don't know if I can keep going with this Brian
-What are you talking about? I'm coming to your place right now

He said as he hung up the phone, Zacky smashed the phone on the floor, he didn't want any visits, the house was a mess and he was a mess too. He stood up and went to take a shower before Brian arrived, he looked at himself in the mirror and gasped, his face was swollen and his eyes extremely red, he shook his head and went in the shower.

*Brian's house*
-I know Matt I'm not stupid!! I'm going to his house chill the fuck out- Brian yelled at the phone as he paced on his bedroom.
A worried Kat layed on bed staring at Brian almost making a hole in front of the bed. He hang up and sat on the edge of the bed:
-What happened love?- she said hugging him from behind.
-Is Zacky, you know what happened with Gena and not only that but since he was the one who found Jimmy, all of this is fucking up with his head- Brian said covering his face.
-I can't even imagine how he feels, now he is all alone in his big house, it must get lonely, leaving more place for him to overthink everything- she said kissing his cheek.
-I can't lose another brother Kat- he whispered as his eyes got filled with tears as she hugged him tighter.
Just a few days ago he lost his best friend and just the memory of what happened made him feel nauseous...

-General Flashback of 3 days ago-
Zacky parked his car outside Jimmy's appartment, they had agreed to meet at 4:30 and wait for the boys to leave the studio but California's traffic made Zacky arrive at 4:45. Without a problem he got to his door and knocked a few times, not getting any response he decided to use the copy of the key he had of Jimmy's appartment, as well Jimmy had one of Zacky's house. Little did he knew that moment will change his life, Jimmy layed on the floor of the living room making him run towards him and try to wake him up knowing very well he wouldn't.
He sat for a few minutes covering his face with his hands letting out loud sobs:
-Is my fault- he whispered to himself as he cried harder.
With shaking hands he managed to call an ambulance and now he was about to call the boys, he didn't want to tell them on a phone call but he needed them now:

M: Hello?
Z: Matt something bad happened...
M: What are you talking about? Are you alright? Why are you crying?
He broke down even more as he heard Matt's concerned voice
M: Breath okay? Tell me whay happened
Z: Jimmy is dead
M: What are you fucking saying?
Z: You heard me Matt, Jimmy is gone

And with that Zacky hung up and wait for the boys to arrive. A few minutes later the ambulance was taking Jimmy away and the boys were there already, Zacky was still on the living room floor crying his eyes out as Matt was outside being hugged by Val as well as Brian, who was just sitting on the sidewalk with his eyes closed as Kat hugged him:
-Let's go home love- she said kissing his forehead as he nodded.
-We have to get Zacky- he said as she looked at Val and both of them walk inside the appartment.
-Let's go home hun- Val said as she rubbed his back and kissed his head.
They waited but he didn't answer, just kept crying:
-Zacky I'm so sorry you had to look at that and found him like you did- Kat said doing the same thing as Val.
He stood up and the girls hugged him tight as he cried louder. Val's heart broke into pieces, the boys were like her brothers besides Matt and seeing Zacky broken like that made her soul ache:
-Did you called Gina already?- Kat asked as he shook his head.
They didn't know what had happened a few months ago, they weren't even engaged anymore:
-She is not going to come, I'll go home- he said wipping his eyes.
-You are mad if you thing we are letting you get in that car in this state by yourself- Matt spoke from behind the girls.
-Let us take you home- Val said as he nodded.
-Thank you- he said giving one last hug to Kat and walking besides Brian who was lost in his thoughts:
-Let's go baby boy- Kat said grabbing Brian's arm and walking to their car as they saw Matt, Val and Zacky leave on theirs.
The way home was faster than they thought but Kat was uneasy, Brian wasn't reacting to anything, he was in shock of what just happened making her worry. They parked and walk inside their big house, the silence was making Kat feel dizzy after all the rush of emotions, Brian walked to the kitchen and poured some whiskey on a glass and drank it until there was nothing left:
-Brian no!!- she said as he was about to poured some more.
-Look at me right now- she said grabbing his face, his eyes looked empty making her fear grow.
-Listen, you are home now, you don't have to keep playing the tough one alright? Don't act like this doesn't afect you because I know it does and very deeply, it was your best friend and is alright if you want to cry honey- she said as she kept looking into his eyes.
Suddendly his eyes changed, as if they had been unlocked and filled with tears, he started to sob like he never did before, Kat walked to him and hugged him tight:
-Fuck!! Fuck!! Fuck!!- he yelled making Kat started to cry too.
It was so painfull for her looking at someone she loved so much under so much pain:
-Shh love is okay, I'm here- she said as they sat on the floor as she waited until he drained everything.
-But he is not- he mumbled against Kat's shoulder.
-Oh honey, I'm so sorry- she said kissing his head.
She didn't knew what to say, it wasn't going to change the way he felt so she just held him tight in her arms making him calm down a little, after a while he spoke:
-What do you think happened between Gena and Zack?- he asked looking at Kat.
-I don't know love, I hope he is okay- she said caressing his hair.
-I'm worried about him- he said as he intertwined his hand with Kat's.
-This is one of the things I love the most of you- she said kissing his lips.
-What?- he giggled.
-That no matter how broken you feel you always think of the wellness of other people- she responded.
-He's like my brother and I don't like to think he is home alone crying by himself- he said as Kat smiled.
-End of the flashback-

-You are not going to lose anyone baby- she said kissing him.
-I most get going love, I will come home in a few hours okay?- he said putting on a white shirt and a pair of black jeans.
-Alright, you call me if something goes out of control- she said.
-Okay but I hope not- he smiled quickly as he left Kat alone.

-𝔸 𝕃𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕀𝕟 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔻𝕒𝕣𝕜- (A7X)Where stories live. Discover now