Chapter 4 - Oh god...

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As the others had left, Jay and Gil looked at Harry.
"You lied, why?" Jay asked.
"I felt bad for Gil... yet helping him meant that I also had to help you." Harry said.
"But now the others are pissed at you." Gil stated.
"They have been before... What's the worst that could happen?" Harry said and boy, he had known those words after.

He didn't have to share his dorm at Auradon prep since there were an uneven amount of boys and he wished he had one.
Then maybe this wouldn't have happened.
Harry did the usual, took a shower got in bed, finally fell asleep after many hours of staring at the ceiling...

Jay and Gil knew the others were up to something but they didn't know what.
"Shouldn't we check up on Harry?" Gil asked.
"...we will in the morning." Jay said.
"Okay..." Gil said anf Jay wrapped his arm around his boyfriend, pulling him closer and they both snuggled in bed against eachother.

The next morning...

Everyone was sitting in the cafeteria, enjoying their breakfast.
Well, not everyone...
"Where's Harry?" Gil asked.
Both Uma and Evie smirked as they continued eating.
"We got back at him... And I am pretty sure he will break up with me..." Mal mumbled.
"What did you girls do?" Carlos asked with concern.

Harry was always late with getting iur of bed.
He rubbed a hand over his face and rushed a hand through his hair as usual...
Except, he didn't feel his hair.
He hurried to the mirror in full panick and he yelled as he saw he was completely bald.

"Was that...?" Jay mumbled and Gil got up, going to Harry's dorm, Jay only followed him because Carlos did.
Meanwhile the three girls were laughing loudly.
"I can't believe it worked." Mal laughed.
"I told you. Emptying his shampoo bottle and filling it with depilatory stuff would work." Uma said.
"Unbelievable it worked so fast..." Evie chuckled.
"Well that guy locks the door at night, never throughout the day. Two lessons learned at once." Uma said.

Harry heared a knock on his door and he looked up in terror, he did lock the door the previous night... yet something had happened.
"Go away!" Harry said.
"Harry, are you okay?" Gil's voice asked.
"Hook what happened?" Jay asked.
"Harry answer please?" Carlos said with concern.
"PISS THE FUCK OFF!" Harry shouted and he sat down against the wall.
This was messed up, so fucking messed up.
"Harry, please..." Gil almost begged.
"...tell the other two to piss off." Harry snarled.

"Oh come on." Jay grumbled.
"Yea, come on." Carlos said as he dragged Jay away.
"I'm alone here now... Can you open the door?" Gil asked and he heared Harry sigh.
"No one else on the hallway?"
"Nope, just me."
" sec."

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