Chapter 26

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"It's not fair! You said you never played enchanted croquet before! How are you so darn good?" exclaimed James.

Hugo smirked, "What can I say? I'm just naturally talented."

Sofia and Vivian giggled. In summer, the royal family of Enchancia played Enchanted Croquet almost every Sunday. Oftentimes they would invite guests over. This time, James had invited Vivian and Sofia had invited Hugo. 

"Mr. Cedric, I'm sorry for blaming you for the malfunctioning croquet set last time," said Amber.

Cedric sniffed. "I'm just glad my magic powers are back."

After several rounds of croquet, Sofia, Amber, Desmond and Vivian sought refuge from the sweltering heat under the shade of a large wisteria tree. Amber started to fan herself while Desmond had pulled out a book and started reading.

Tilly, who had followed her parents to the shaded area, was now crawling around in the grass and collecting wildflowers.  King Roland and Queen Miranda were still on the croquet field, deep in conversation with Cedric. 

James, who refused to lose against Hugo, continued to stubbornly ask for rematches, even though he was losing miserably. Eventually, after around a good 30 matches he finally gave up and joined the others in the shade. He sat down beside Vivian, who was strumming a tune on her mandolin. As James watched her admiringly, Hugo strode over to where Sofia was lying in the grass.

Hugo sat cross-legged beside Sofia and gestured for her to lay down in his lap. She raised an eyebrow but obeyed. He started to weave a braid crown into her hair. Tilly who saw this, rushed over excitedly and handed Hugo the flowers, gesturing to Sofia's hair and babbling. He accepted them graciously and threaded them in carefully as he continued braiding.

"I didn't know you could braid," said Sofia.

"I didn't know either," said Hugo, with a lopsided smile.

Once it was finished, Sofia stood up and twirled around, showing off her crown for all to see.

Vivian stopped playing music and gaped at Sofia. James snorted when he saw her hair, but then tried to conceal it as a coughing fit.

Amber covered her hand over her mouth and gasped. "Sofia, what did he do to your hair???" 

"It's a crown for my future queen," Hugo said proudly, standing up to better admire the bird's nest of a hairstyle he had imposed on Sofia's head.

Vivian gasped. "Wait- Does that mean-"

Sofia gestured to the ring on her finger.

"OH MY GOSH" Amber cried. "Do Mom and Dad know?"

Hugo replied, "King Roland and Queen Miranda agreed to let us be engaged for now, but I'll marry Sofia once the kingdom has been fully recovered." 

James and Vivian hugged each other in excitement and Amber snatched Desmond's book out of his hand so he would pay attention to the important moment. Tilly, who was confused as to what was going on, wandered away to collect more flowers.

Sofia looked up at Hugo. "You've been making great progress,"

"We have been making great progress," he corrected.

They stood there smiling at each other as the first drops of rain started to fall. 

"Eek my new hairdo is going to get wet!" Amber stood up, dragged Desmond by the hand, and they ran towards the castle.

Vivian stood up and hugged her mandolin to her chest, shielding it from the rain. James took off his vest and wrapped it around the delicate instrument and they rushed back towards the castle as well.

"Sofia, Hugo, are you coming?" called out Miranda, turning to leave with Roland.

"In a minute!" replied Sofia.

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