Chapter 7

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Present day

Madame Collette cinched the corset around Sofia's waist. 

"Ouch!" Sofia yelped.

It was a beautiful gown, but she couldn't muster the enthusiasm to appreciate it. She would be meeting Prince Friedrich at the engagement ball in less than an hour.

The dress was a lovely shade of lavender with a column of pink at the front to match her pink amulet. It was different from other dresses in the sense that the corset was on the outside and laced up in the front, forming a crisscross at the waist. The dress had off-the-shoulder sleeves and exposed her delicate collarbones. In some ways, it was a grown-up version of her favorite childhood dress.

The corset cinched even tighter. Sofia grit her teeth, bracing herself for more, when Madame Collette suddenly said, "Finished."

Sofia sighed, stepping down from the stool and left the dressing room, free at last.

"Oh Sofia, there you are!" Amber called out. She was wearing a deep red ballgown. Sofia had never seen her wear such a bold color before. It reminded her of the dresses that Queen Elena wore.

"Amber, you look lovely!"

"Not as lovely as the star of the show," she replied, twirling Sofia around to admire the way the purple tulle billowed when Sofia spun. "Are you ready?"

"I don't really have a choice," Sofia said quietly. 

Amber opened her mouth, as if to say something, but was interrupted by Baileywick, who appeared from behind. "Ladies, it's time to enter the ballroom."

"Yes, Baileywick," they chimed in unison.

Baileywick opened the door and the princesses entered. A servant announced, "Princess Amber and Princess Sofia of Enchancia!"

The girls curtseyed politely, and the crowd of Lords and Ladies bowed and curtseyed back. Then they returned to their conversations.

The room was aglow with candlelit chandeliers. Sofia looked around, eyes searching for her parents. They were at the other end of the ballroom, being occupied with ministers vying for their attention.

Amber had opened her fan to cover her face. "Where is he?" she muttered.

"I have no idea,"

"I just saw his carriage at the front, he's arriving soon," said Desmond, appearing from behind.

Amber jumped at his presence, "Oh Des, I told you to stop sneaking up behind me like that" she implored, but she smiled and snapped her fan shut.

"Amber?" Desmond began timidly.

She raised an eyebrow expectantly.

"Princess Amber, would you like to dance with me?"

Amber curtsied. "It would be my honor." Then he whisked her off, and they disappeared into the crowd.

Sofia smiled as they left. They made the perfect future Queen and King of Enchancia.

A trumpet fanfare blew and then the hubbub died down.

A voice called out, "Please welcome Prince Friedrich of Freezenburg."

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