Chapter 16

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"WHAT?" shrieked Amber.

"Why," Sofia said, shocked.

"Why what, dear princess? To take over, of course. To be the most powerful ruler, have an empire of my own. I'm a simple man with simple desires."

Sofia narrowed her eyes. There was more he wasn't telling them. "Do you have anything to do with the loss of magic?"

Friedrich blinked, "You're a little more intelligent than you let on. And let me guess, you also figured out Kryevka's advisor is working for me?"

Sofia clenched her fist. She did not know that. "Ok, but why take away magic?"

"Magic is power, and if I can't have magic, then no one else can," he twiddled his barely-there moustache. "I think you above all can relate to how it feels, being born unprivileged. But at least your mother was able to marry into power."

"You think you're unprivileged?"

"Yes, I wholeheartedly believe in a meritocracy, where everyone earns their place. Why should some people be blessed with magic while I don't? It's unfair."

"You, of all people should not be complaining about unfairness!" Sofia hissed.

"Well, anyhow, you should thank me, because now is the beginning of a new era. An end to the magic and the beginning of the scientific revolution! I have had my men travel the world and discover science, inventions, all creations borne of intelligence and excellence. No people performing voodoo with wands. Science is the new equalizer, because anyone can do it, but you must EARN your expertise!"

He was pacing the front of the room, waving his arms around in a frenzy. He had a wild look in his eyes. "You should see these marvels I have curated! Giant bamboo airplanes that humans can ride..."

Sofia raised an eyebrow. Little did he know, Sofia, Wu-Chang and Prince Jin were the ones who had invented the bamboo kite, back when she visited Wei-Ling for the Festival of Kites. 

"...cannons that can shoot you up to outer space and- Oh!" He pulled a dart out of his pocket, "I could kill you right now with these poison darts!"

The knights jumped in front of the princesses and put up their shields.

Friedrich laughed and returned the dart to his pocket. "Oh but don't worry, I won't kill you just yet, you're too powerless to defeat me. I want to see you cower and run like little Prince Hugo."

A/N: At this point I imagine Prince Friedrich breaks out into his own iconic villain theme song about taking over the world.

"Let's get out of here," muttered Amber.

"Agreed," said Sofia and Desmond. 

They rushed out of the castle, and Amber immediately ordered one of the knights to head back to Enchancia to warn their parents. "If you ride at a sprint, you should be able to outpace them." 

Sofia filled in Hugo on what happened. He didn't say anything, but he was trembling with rage. 

Desmond was flipping through his books frantically. 

"What do we do now?" sighed Amber. 

Sofia said, "Do you think we could get Hildegard to help us? It would be helpful to have someone who has access to the inside of the castle. Or is she on Friedrich's side?" 

"Well there's only one way to find out," replied Amber. 

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