Chapter 6

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A/N: Originally this chapter was supposed to come before the previous one because it would make more sense that way, but I didn't want to mess up the alternating order of past and present. Nevertheless, chapter 5 and 6 are supposed to be juxtaposed.

4 years ago

"Is King Axel okay with it?"

Hugo snorted, "Of course he is. He's a little salty that baby bro is getting engaged before him, but he still gave me his blessing. Now all I need is the blessing of your parents."

After requesting a presence before King Roland II and Queen Miranda, they had graciously invited him to dinner. That night, he had worn a navy suit, a waistcoat that was a lighter shade of blue, and white collared shirt with ruffles. He adjusted his collar nervously. "Do I look alright?" 

"You look wonderful," Sofia smiled. His attire reminded her of his famous skating costume.

They entered the dining room and Baileywick ushered them to be seated. The rest of the family was already there, with the King and Queen beside each other, and Amber and James on either side.

"Prince Hugo, what brings you here tonight?" asked King Roland II. Everyone looked towards the prince.

"Your Majesty, I am here to ask for Princess Sofia's hand in marriage."

The King looked surprised for a moment but then his face broke out into a smile. "Sofia, as long as you are okay with it, I am too."

"I am!" Sofia said, trying to contain her excitement. 

Amber squealed and James stood up and cheered. He walked over to Hugo and slapped him on the back, "Welcome to the family, bro." Hugo smiled.

Queen Miranda was crying tears of happiness and she clasped the King's hands in excitement. The King was smiling from ear to ear. Everyone was talking at once. 

"Let us feast in honor of Prince Hugo and Princess Sofia's engagement" boomed King Roland's voice over the chaos. 

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Later that night, as Hugo was about to board his flying carriage, Sofia noticed he was oddly quiet. 

"Is everything alright?" Sofia asked.

"Yeah it is," he mumbled. 

Sofia frowned and tilted his chin upward so she could see his face in the moonlight. "You're crying."

"No I'm not," Hugo turned away to board the carriage.

Sofia caught his hand and tried to pull him back. "Please- Did I do something wrong?"

Hugo sighed. "No, it's just- when I saw your parents' reaction...It- it suddenly hit me how much I miss mine. I wish they were still here."

Hugo's mother had passed away when he was just a kid, so he didn't talk about her much. Sofia had met Hugo's father though. King Garrick was a loud and cheerful man. He had died two years ago from tuberculosis, thrusting Hugo's older brother Axel onto the throne, and leaving the two brothers orphaned. She couldn't imagine what losing both parents was like. 

Hugo started to sing in a soft voice, 

If I can't be close to you, 

I'll settle for the ghost of you

I miss you more than life

And if you can't be next to me

Your memory is ecstasy

I miss you more than life

-"Ghost" by Justin Bieber

Hugo was staring at the sky, as if he could see his parents up there. Sofia wrapped her arms around him, and he reciprocated her hug. They stood there in silence, while Hugo closed his eyes, basking in the memories of his parents.

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