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Name: Zivex, Titian of destruction

Last name: RazingGod

Species: Aaronic hellhound summon

1.   Information

Height: 7'10

Weight: 725kg

Likes: Victory and progress

Dislikes: easily discouraged behavior, giving up


Summon of desolation, born upon the titans of the dark Amazon age, raised only to supply victory, zeal and nothing above which could be understood by the unknown lied a being with great integrity

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Summon of desolation, born upon the titans of the dark Amazon age, raised only to supply victory, zeal and nothing above which could be understood by the unknown lied a being with great integrity. Founded upon and within in the gem of eternal he was kept as a spirit guardian.


[TRUE/ABSOLUTE WILL] Absolute Will is unlimited in its scope. Anything that exists can be manipulated, including, but not limited to: matter, energy, causality, emotion, etc. The user can grab hold of creation and twist, bend, sculpt, and re-sculpt it into whatever form that they desire or can imagine. Usually, the power to create something out of nothing is not at most users disposal, as a created universe, multiverse, or omniverse must first be in existence in order for the user to manipulate it. However, the user can twist reality in such a way that they mimic creation to an extent; i.e. projection of realistic illusions and bringing any form of fantasy to life through sheer force of will. So while the user cannot explicitly create, they can manipulate reality and bend rules to grant themselves the power to create, as well as a variety of other existing powers by rewriting their own nature simply by willing it to be so. Though this is unlikely and not the true nature of the power, it can be done.

[WILL EMBODIMENT AND EMPOWERMENT ] User can become the physical embodiment of Will, the source for ones decisions or ability to decide something as well as the basis for the mind/thought. Such as the will of nature or the will of the people. Granting them limitless or near limitless power and control over intentions and decisions.

Users become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. by willpower of oneself and others, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. Some users may be able to draw sustenance from the will-power or even slow or stop aging.

Unlike Willpower Embodiment, Will has a more broad and abstract concept/quality to it then mere willpower.


The user's hand is imbued with the power of a god, and is thus granted incredible power by that god. For instance, if one were to have the power of Kratos, the Greek God of Strength, one might have unlimited strength through that particular hand. Or, if the user represented the Christian God, they might be Omnipotent. Regardless, their power would be channeled through that arm or hand. The power granted depends on the deity which the user represents. In God Hand, it is said that the user of the God Hand possesses the power to "become a god or a demon", a metaphor for the choice between good and evil.


Quiet, calm, collective. Doesn't speak unless his founder or the king asks him too. His way of speech to his summoner would be through the void of her mind most of the time. Very intelligent and a very mysterious being. Can come off firmly with a bit of aggression however he does so with understanding. Has a very dominant demeanor.

2.   More provided information

He is summoned in his full armor however it is unknown if he has an unarmed stage. He most likely does however none will and have never seen his face beside his host and maybe his founder (Zeinjin RazingGod). Every part of his gear has runes, and traps set within them for almost every situation imaginable.

Scaling In mental and brute force alone, speed also can be a given.

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