Mother Xerana

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Name: Mother Xerana, care taker of earth and light

Last name: RazingGod

Species: Aaronic Hellhound summon

Sex: Female

1. Information

Heights: 7'9

Weight: 467kg

Likes: nature, animals, her children

Dislikes: beings who treat nature with disrespect along with its animals.


Born in the depths of earths grasp came light

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Born in the depths of earths grasp came light. The child of glory and beauty. A warrior raised to bring destruction upon earths and natures enemies. Being found and taken within a golden gem by her founder she became a guardian spirit. Mother zenith

Abilities and Powers:

[MOTHER EARTH] As an archetype, the earth mother is a mother goddess and an earth goddess which makes this type of goddess very powerful. Earth mothers are generally the second most powerful deities within their respected pantheons under that of the Sky Fathers

Unlike Mother Nature, Earth Mothers powers are mainly earthly-based, while nature mothers are able to control the full spectrum of nature itself as their driving force. And in some cases the earth mothers and the nature mothers can be one and the same depending on their divine backgrounds

[DIVINE AURA] The user can surround themselves in divine energy, which can cause others to submit to them.

[LIGHT DEITY] User with this ability either is or can transform into a Light Deity.

This should not be confused with Solar Deity, as a Solar Deities main focus is the Sun, whereas a Light Deities domain is more specifically the light and the aspects of where it comes from. However, in some cases this can also can include the light from the Sun.

[VOCIFERY] Users can make everything they say become true automatically. The user can do absolutely anything they desire just by saying it and it will miraculously happen, even if it affects reality itself.

On lower levels, the user simply has the ability to warp reality through one's own voice, and may be limited to what's regarded as "real."

Able to create a form with her host by not only embodying or empowering her but by creating a higher being with their power. The mother of all life and ruler of borders of life and death able to controls the souls she kills and can bring them back by will.


She is very quiet, sense she is most like her host (Zarestrū RazingGod) she has most of her qualities however she speaks a bit more often. Having a kind and yet unfiltered and honest sense of speech. She has a very dominant demeanor. Being an unbothered spirit she has quite the understanding of species and life itself. The purist of pure she shines gold and protects those she cares for.

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