Chapter 26: Rules

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"Will they be able to hear me?" I tipped my chin towards the front of the car.

"No," he said instantly, voice serious. "Not unless you want them to."

I assumed the follow-up comment was a joke, but either way it was reassurance enough. I lifted his palm back up to my mouth and relaxed as he applied the lightest of pressure to keep it there.

His fingers resumed, pumping in and out of me with brutal precision, hitting the same sensitive spot inside me over and over again, like a familiar dance that we'd never stopped rehearsing. I rocked my hips into his hand, desperate for more friction, for a release from the torture I'd endured over dinner.

When his thumb kicked up the pace against my clit, massaging without mercy, it tipped me over the edge. Yet even as I clenched around his fingers, he didn't stop, ensuring he coaxed out every last drop of pleasure. The intensity of the prolonged orgasm overpowered my attempts to stay silent. I cried into the palm of his hand, my body convulsing and begging for more.

Ed slowly withdrew his fingers and lowered the hand resting against my mouth. I opened my eyes and tried to control my breathless pants, but a glance across at him nearly had me coming again when he slipped his wet fingers past his lips, his dark eyes not leaving mine until they closed in ecstasy.

"Fuck, you taste even better than I remembered."

My stomach clenched. "Been thinking about me, have you?"

"Certain parts of you." His mouth twitched as he repeated the same line I'd used on him that afternoon in the bath.

Just as I reached for his belt, the car jolted to a halt, dragging my attention back to our surroundings to see we'd pulled up inside the alley. Ed chuckled and swung his hand towards his door handle. I took a little longer to smooth down my dress and steady my breathing.

During the lift ride, he stood behind me, close enough that I could feel the heat of his solid chest against my bare shoulders, the silk of his tie caressing the base of my neck. With the security team in front of us, I reached back to cup his erection and squeezed the hard length straining shamelessly against the tailored fabric.

His head nuzzled in my hair, breath hot in my ear as I rubbed my palm up and down. He'd claimed exhibitionism wasn't his thing, but clearly he still got off on a mild form of it.

The lift dinged to signal its arrival on the main floor, and I reluctantly pulled my hand away.

"See you guys tomorrow," Ed said to Security, his voice impressively calm.

It was a subtle way of telling them that I'd be going up to his suite. They simply nodded in response and stepped out of the metal box.

As the doors shut again, I waited for Ed to pin me up against the railing or push me down to my knees. My ears listened out for the first dark command. My skin prickled in anticipation of his touch. Instead, though, he strolled away to stand on the far side of the lift.

"Now that I've taken the edge off," he said, slipping his hands into his pockets, "are you still sure about this?"

My gaze drifted down to the thick bulge in his trousers. Sure? I'd never been surer of anything.

"I'm sure," I said.

The lift bobbed to a stop, the doors parted, and I followed him out onto the penthouse landing.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

Too fast for me to react, he spun around, his hand closing around my shoulder to shove me hard against the wall. Air rushed from my lungs as heat flooded between my thighs again.

Turning to Stone (Heart of Stone: Book 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang