Diaries 2

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With quiet singing, Yvette sat down at her desk and began writing the unfinished reports Alexandre had given her the night before. Her hands were shaking a little; whether from the cold or anger she didn't quite know, but it didn't bother her much either way. What bothered her more was that the others were talking about her behind her back. Especially because the task they wanted to give to her seemed to be just as important as it seemed dangerous and nobody had even thought about asking her opinion about it. 

The redhead tried to calm herself with the thought that it would be of little use if she too would fall into anger and fear. 

On the other hand, she agreed with Alexandre; she absolutely did not like the idea of having to engage with a demon. Yvette had heard and read a lot about them over the past two weeks. Enough to cause cold shivers to run along her back at the thought of standing eye to eye with one of them. 

Humming, she let her knuckles crack and put the sheet aside only to start over with another report:

Charlotte Cleveland



Cause of death:

Date and time of death: 


An annoyed groan left her as she realized that she had no information about this person whatsoever and had to ask Alexandre who already had all of it on his death list, whether she liked it or not.

At the very same moment of this realization, someone knocked:

"Yvette? Can I come in?"

"I should hope that you can."

She gave back sarcastically, turning her head towards the door, in whose frame Alexandre was standing now, giving her an uncertain smile:

"Yvette, I'm sorry. I was upset."

"I know."

"I... I just don't want anything to happen to you."

"Alexandre, I know that."

She replied, with an understanding subtone, and waved him closer. She put down the pen.

"We're both quite easy to irritate right now, you know that. I know that you would prefer to make this decision for me, but please at least explain everything to me properly."

The man sank down on the edge of her bed and took something out of his bag:

"I would have done so anyway. But you should read this first. Mr. Spears gave it to me. He said he marked important entries because he won't be staying long enough to tell you about everything.

She took what he gave her, quickly seeing it was a book:

"Das Tagebuch des Gideon Daime, Band II."

"I'm... afraid my German hasn't gotten any better since my last attempts at translating. Would you perhaps...?

He asked, blushing a bit. Yvette smirked:

"Beautiful impression of a tomato."

"At least I am not doomed to be a radish forever, like you."

The man gave back after a short moment and pointed at Yvette's skin and hair. She couldn't deny it:


At last, she opened the book, turning the pages for a little while, searching for one of the mentioned entries.

April 7th, 1827

Even in this life, if I can even call it that, I don't seem to be spared from horrible incidents. The extra hours we have to put into our work keep piling up, souls seem to disappear from the diseased and nobody knows why. I will write again as soon as I know more.

Yvette sighed, knowing that the entries would turn to a brighter side, and turned even more pages. She scanned over some of them until she stopped at the next mark:

September 23rd, 1832

Black Rose was seen again. They sent Jeremy out to get a better view over the situation. I have the feeling that he won't come back. Because while he is strong, he tends to make unwise decisions and act upon them.

September 26th, 1932

My feeling was correct. This morning Jeremy's corpse was found. The only thing that surprised me was that he was completely unharmed. And I mean, completely unharmed with not a single scar or scratch. Nobody can explain how he died, but it isn't important anymore.

Moreover, his death scythe could not be found. This is probably the most unsettling thing about the whole situation. If Black Rose has the death scythe, the consequences could be devastating.

"See, that is the reason why I don't want to let you go. Black Rose is really dangerous and nobody ever found out what he did to Jeremy. But it is known that the death scythe, a machete, must still be in his possession to this day. 

Alexandre explained, staring into space, almost absentmindedly. His lips were bleeding again and he obviously didn't feel well having this conversation.

Yvette put a hand on his shoulder calmingly; he was shaking, barely noticeable, which now made her nervous as well. So she kept on humming as she continued to read only for herself.

October 15th, 1833

We don't know what to do anymore. Every day more souls go missing and humans die at an abnormal rate. 

The ambiance is crushingly sinister, not only for the humans but also for us. Of course, we all cope with it differently and I must admit I feel victim to smoking and drinking, like so many of us. Others work even more and harder than before and barely leave their room when they don't have to. Overtime has become the normal working time and it feels like we are all slowly going insane.

Mainly for the reason of us working almost 24/7 and also that we barely get any sleep anymore. I barely even have the time to keep this diary anymore and if it should ever fall into someone else's hand, believe me when I say that my entire desk is covered in reports that should have been finished a week ago. But, tell me, what's the point? The souls are gone anyway. Whatever, I am praying that his nightmare will be over soon because I don't know how long we can keep on going under these conditions.

The situation would have been much more comfortable if either of them had said anything. But there was nothing they could think of that would be worth saying. Except for empty promises that "everything will be alright".

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