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•~Grace's P.O.V~•
"What is this place, Mama?" Chloe asked, tugging on my sleeve.

I told her to bring something to play with because I didn't know how long this meeting would take.

"Just play with your toys, Chloe." She nodded and my lawyer finally ushered me inside his office.

"I reviewed your case, Ms. Wolfenhard, and if I'm being honest I don't think there's much I can do for you but I don't think you'll need a lawyer for this." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if it turns out that he is the father then you might need a lawyer unless the judge does a background check and finds something that they think shouldn't allow them to have the child." Suddenly the door opened and in came the lady who told me I had to pee in a cup to make I wasn't on any drugs.

She whispered something in my lawyer's ear before she made a quick exit.

"I'm sorry I didn't congratulate you before, I wouldn't have noticed since you're not showing." I chuckled.

"I'm confused."

"You know you're pregnant, right?" I gulped.

"I...no, I didn't know that." I sighed, running my fingers through my hair.

"Well, congratulations anyway." I smiled and nodded, trying to figure out how I'd tell Soda. I didn't want to tell Chloe until after the trial. If she was still with me. "As I was saying, it's very plausible that the judge will do background checks on both of you. Since neither of you really know each other. Is there anything alarming that would get Chloe taken away from you?" He asked.

"No, I mean as I kid I tried committing suicide but I've been going to therapy and I'm on medication, I'm a lot better now." My lawyer shrugged.

"That doesn't seem too alarming. I don't see why you wouldn't continue to have custody unless Ted really is the Father. Your best bet is to hope he's got some sketchy stuff in his past." I never wanted to wish ill-will on someone, except for this time.

"Thank you, so much." He nodded and Chloe and I walked out.

I didn't know how I was gonna tell Soda I was pregnant. I wasn't sure either of us was ready for a baby. Chloe was easy enough now because she was older, but I knew from experience how much work a baby was.

But, if I was being honest, I didn't want to tell either of them until I was sure Chloe was going to be staying with us. With the whole situation going on, I didn't think it was the right time to tell anyone anyways.

•~Soda's P.O.V~•
"I don't know what to, Darry." I sighed, putting my face in my hands.

"Just try to support her as best you can, Soda," I told Darry what happened with Grace and that guy Ted, but I didn't tell the rest of the gang. I didn't know if Grace would be okay with it.

"She stayed up till like, five in the morning last night." Darry shrugged.

"She's just worried, Soda. It's her sister, who she's had since she was a baby. She's gonna act irregularly." The door opened and closed, making me look up and see that it was Grace and Chloe.

Grace put Chloe down since she was on her hip when they came inside, and she immediately ran to Two-Bit. Two-Bit was right from day one, that Chloe would be his best friend. I went and sat down next to Grace on the couch.

"What'd your lawyer say?" I whispered as Two-Bit handed Chloe a piece of cake as they watched the T.V.

"They have to do a paternity test first between Ted and Chloe and then one between me and Chloe to find the percentage of my mom in the first test." I didn't quite understand what she meant, but I nodded as if I did.

"So what about the custody thing?"

"If the judge finds something in his background check then the judge can say he has no custody, visitation, or full custody."

Despite what I told Grace, I didn't know for sure if we'd be able to keep Chloe. What if Ted was the father and he didn't have anything in his background that made him a bad guy? He could, legally, take Chloe. That would absolutely break Grace's heart, and mine as well.
A/n: idk why but I really hate this chapter, it sounds so shitty.
Word Count:761

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