The unsolved puzzle

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Surviving through the two sleepless nights, I woke up the next day and was ready to head school. On my way, the only thing which kept provoking me were my bewildered thoughts. Ava and Paris didn't showed up that day and I was completely not in a state to face Raelynn, the ambience was quite awkward since I never shared anything with her before.
I let it slide for days thinking that it might be just a phase and I'll pass it too. But my solicitude kept growing towards that person the more I neglected it. I found myself in a state where I didn't even wanted to discuss it with Ava and Paris thinking it might bring worse. Soon I wasn't able to confront Raelynn in a way we did earlier.
My thoughts bounded me in a space where I could only found myself with her.
        Two weeks passed and I decided to talk to Raelynn like we did earlier so that the things get back to normal and this confused feeling haults and yes! It worked. We talked, laughed at our own silly jokes and what not, but the feeling still resides. Whenever I looked at her I couldn't help myself but gaze everytime my eyes fell on her.
      Her long black hair tied up at the back and baby hairs on her face, was around 5'3 which made her shorter than me, her big bright eyes attached in a tiny face made her even more adorable, noticeable button nose underneath which she has soft lips. When she smiles, how could I not love those fangs...! "Have I fallen for her?", was the only question I asked myself everytime I looked at her.

I didn't took my feelings that seriously and through all these messy situations, a year passed in a quite jolly and stressed mood.
The other side I and Samuel seldom had a conversation plus we met once in a month or two. I found it a bit difficult to continue this relationship 'cause what's the need of getting a partner when you can't even connect to them through any means when you feel a bit strange about them not being great and not able to ask for what you can do to make them feel relieved a little. So I decided to end it though it was a bit difficult for me to do that since that person never tried to hurt me and kept repeating those words, "Take your time. We'll figure it out together." But somewhere I didn't got the feeling of a happy life in that relationship. Maybe... I wasn't made to fit in it or there was someone else been planned to be with me. So I moved with the pace.
               One day our class were taken to physics laboratory. Everyone was listening to the teacher and were making notes but the four of us were lost in our own world. We were scribbling on each other's notebook, kicking the legs, tying a knot in someone's hair who was sitting in front of us... that definitely would have made her put more energy to entangle her hair. Anyways, so in the middle of these fun, my leg crossed with that of Raelynn's. I felt a sudden shivering in my body and that kept me still for straight 15 minutes. Later that day Raelynn's deportment has been changed and she began to turn a blind eye to me.
"Was the fun too harsh? Is she mad? I don't want to lose my best friend because of a joke, what should I do?" I didn't had any choice but to ask her and the answer brimmed my eyes with tears.

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