Chapter Seven

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~Aliyah's POV

I wake up to the sound of Rihanna's ANTI playing way too loud for 10 in the morning, and the smell of fresh pancakes coming from the kitchen. I wince at the loud music piercing my ears so early in the morning, and stretch. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I make my way downstairs where none other than my crazy roommate is, cooking breakfast.

"Brooke!" I run to her, like a kid to their parents after daycare. She'd been gone for the month, visiting her artist boyfriend in New York. She embraces me in a hug and after letting go, I grab a pancake from the stack she's preparing and take a bite.

I met Brooklyn at the Mindless Behavior going away party, or whatever you want to call it. I was a heartbroken, drunken mess and she was just there for me when I needed someone. We got to know one another and now she's practically my best friend, other than Kaylan, of course. No one tops Kay.

Kaylan's visit ended yesterday night. It was such a great time despite me getting fired from Capitol and her constantly on her phone with Chresanto. I still cannot believe how he thought it was okay to just call and expect everything to be okay! And I can't believe Kaylan just fell for it that easily.

It does makes me wonder if Prodigy and Ray Ray got in contact with Dana and Emerald. That would mean Jacob did not even care to try and regain a connection with me. Which is fine, I'm past him.

"How was New York?" I ask, my mouth half-full.

"It was great. Loud, but great. One of Devin's paintings sold for almost $400." She announces cheerily, flipping a pancake.

"That's insane! Tell him I said congrats."

"Will do. What about you? What's been going on in your world? Any new signings to Capitol?" she places the last pancake atop a stack of six and turns off the stove.

"Uh, I wouldn't really know." I take a plate and grab two more pancakes, and drizzle some blueberry syrup on them.

"What do you mean?"

"I got fired." I say, taking a bite of my breakfast. She laughs, assuming it's a joke, just like I did. It's not until she realizes I'm not laughing with her that she loses it.

"You got FIRED?! What the hell Aliyah?"

"I knooow, I fucked up. I'm looking at Def Jam and Sony later to see if they have any openings." That was a lie, but I didn't want her on my ass all day.

"You better be. I can't believe this shit, dude. I leave for a month, come back and you're all, 'oh I got fired'." She says, mocking me in a squeaky voice. I roll my eyes at her attempt to mother me and go turn on the T.V.

"So what's on the agenda today, Miss Johnson?" Brooklyn asks me. I have no idea what to say. I'm so used to going to Capitol every morning I don't know what I should do today.

"Not really sure. Miss May down the street always said if I need some extra cash on the side, I could take over a shift or two at the grocery mart, so I'm gonna call her today."

Suddenly, we hear a knock on the door. Brooklyn, being closer to the entrance, gets up from her breakfast and goes to answer whoever's there. I leave the T.V on TMZ, only to regret it after reading the headline.

Mindless Behavior splits from Atlantic Records!

"No thank you." I say to myself and pick up the remote to switch the channel. I hear the door close and Brooke return.

"Who was at the door?"

"Some journalist heard you got fired, wanted an exclusive."

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