Chapter Six

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jacob/ princeton in mm

~Jacob's POV

"Ray Ray, HURRY UP." I yell, banging on the bathroom door. After being officially let go from our contract, we all hit the gym to release whatever emotions or tension we had, and I'm worn out. Paparazzi has been outside the penthouse since word got out about us leaving Atlantic, and I don't think they're going home anytime soon.

"GO USE THE OTHER SHOWER, NIGGA." Ray Ray yells from the other side of the door.

"THIS IS MY BATHROOM, DUMBASS. YOU KNOW THAT." I groan, continuously pounding on the door.

"Can y'all SHUT UP?" Roc says, poking his head out of his room. "I'm on the phone, damn."

"And whoooo the fuck are you talking to that you gotta have complete silence?" I question him. We are in our early 20s and still acting 16, I swear.

"Nobody, just shut up." He quickly closes his door and I see the lock turn. Who does this guy think he is? I begin to walk towards his door to eavesdrop when Ray Ray finally walks out of the bathroom.

"Here you go, princess." These niggas think it's funny to tease me with that, but it's not gonna be funny when somebody gets knocked out.

"Shut up, Rat Rat."

"GROUP MEETING, FIVE MINUTES." Prodigy yells from the kitchen.

"You've got to be kidding." I groan.
I debate whether or not I can cram in my shower in five minutes, and choose against it.

I drag my feet all the way to the family room, where everyone is seated, including Jackson, Miles & Charlie, and Bahja. When did they even get here?

"How nice of you to join us, Jacob." Jackson says in sarcastic manner, only making me want to choke him more than usual.

"What is this about? I have to go shower." The sweat coating my body is making me uncomfortable. My shirt is beginning to stick to my back.

"Well, I was talking to Roc Royal earlier about what happened, and he brought up a great question." I sarcastically clap and offer Roc a gold sticker.

"He asked whether you all were still entitled to the contract, in which the answer is no. That being said, all of the vows you made and restrictions that were put in place are now terminated." I stare blankly at him, not taking anything in. The room is dead silent, except for the tiny sounds of Miles' thumbs hitting his phone keyboard.

Soon enough, Prodigy asks the question we were all thinking.

"So...what does that mean?"

"It means," Roc begins, "We can get back in contact with Kaylan, Emerald, Dana..." He gives me a look before continuing. "All of them." My bandmates look as if this is good news, like I'm supposed to be happy.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I rocked with Kaylan and them. But same with Beavis and Butthead, Gina and Pam, or Swae Lee and Slim Jimmy, you can't have Kaylan without Aliyah. I'd much rather stay away from both of them.

"...Who?" Prodigy replies. Yikes.

"Whatever, Prodigy. You know you miss Emerald," Ray Ray laughed, teasing Prodigy. He really did try the hardest to forget about her during this whole experience.

"And now, you can even go move in with her if you want or whatever." Jackson states. What the hell is he talking about? I really don't appreciate this dude encouraging The Three Musketeers to go live happily ever after with some chicks from high school.

"What are you talking about? We're not going anywhere." Roc, Ray, and Prodigy look at me like I'm crazy but I don't care. We shut that part of our lives' out a long time ago and it's not making a comeback.

"Actually, you are. Atlantic Records just called to confirm your departure from the contract. In doing so, you forfeit all Atlantic property including the penthouse."Our jaws simultaneously drop open in shock.

"Are you bullshittin' me?" Ray Ray curses, tugging at the ends of his hair.

"Boys, looks like you're going home."


I reminisce the four years we've spent here as I pack my bags. Two days ago, Jackson announced our leave from Atlantic Records, and since the house is Atlantic Records' property, we gotta bounce. But if I'm being honest, I'm a bit relieved to be going home. I miss Stacy, Al, my dad, and even Denise, his ugly bighead wife & Darla, her ugly bighead daughter. We've all already called family to let them know we're coming back, and they're so excited.

30 Hours by Kanye West is playing in the sound system as I neatly fold my clothes and pack them in my suitcases. They were generous enough to fly the rest of our things later and pay for our flights back, so were just taking the majority of our belongings such as clothes.

I hear the door open and look back to see Bahja, walking in.

Without knocking.

"You could knock next time." I state, returning to my packing.

"I'm sorry, I just thought that I didn't have to since this is my room that I share with my boyfriend, which is you if you've forgotten." She's a real bitch, but I have to admit that made me laugh just a little.

"That mouth's gonna get you in trouble." I jokingly warn her.

"Ah, I can't wait for the day." She sighs and looks around the now practically empty room. "So...this is it? No more MB?" I take a second before answering. Was this really the end of Mindless Behavior?

"I don't know." I finish the last of the clothes and zip my third suitcase shut.

"Well, are you guys still gonna make music?"

"I don't know." I can't seem to think of something else to say because I really don't know. I know she's just trying to have a conversation but I'm just not in the mood to talk to her. Now that I think about it, when does someone really want to talk to her?

"So...uh..." I can tell she's hesitating to say something else, and normally I wouldn't care, but the soft tremble in her voice makes me curious.

"What Bahja? Just say it."

"What happens to us, Princeton?" Her question takes me by surprise. I honestly didn't think about that at all. I just want to get home, sleep in my bed, and feel like a normal human being again.


"And please don't say you don't know, because..." she stops to wipe a tear that fell onto her cheek and regain composure.

"Because I know we were never really together, and I know you only did this for publicity, and I did first. But somewhere along the line, I grew to like you, and care for you, no matter how stubborn and rude you were." Damn it. I really do wish I could return the feelings she has, but I can't. I just can't.

"Bahja, you know I care about you." I assure her.

"Not the same way I do for you. Princeton,"

No. No no no no no. She's gonna say it.

"I lo-" I act quickly and stop her with a quick kiss, hoping that will give her a false sense of closure.

"I have to go." And with that, I grab my luggage, and walk out, not looking back.

(a/n) its about to go down y'all, stay tuned🔥

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xo, diamond

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