same mistakes ⸻ 014

Start from the beginning

I watched as his eyes grew darker as he reminisced.

"I kept her there and tried to convince myself day and night it was what was best for her. I tried to pretend I couldn't hear her wailing all night, or that she didn't look miserable every time I saw her. I tried and tried- and by the time I gained any sense it was too late," He spit, sorrow in his voice. "By that time she had found her own way out."

"By siding with the Children of the Night and betraying you all," I realized. Caius nodded.

"Athenadora would've given anything to be free," He said. "Including my life. It was the one thing I always knew she loved more than me, and I took it from her."

I looked away to hide the hurt on my face as he said this. After all, I didn't want to invalidate Caius' feelings with my own jealousy.

"You must have been very hurt by what she did," I said stiffly, looking at my lap. "You must have loved her very much."

"Love?" Caius surprised me by suddenly scoffing. He shook his head in disgust. "Mia cara," He told me as if it were the most ridiculous thing he had ever head, "I did not love Athenadora."

My eyes widened. "You didn't?"

"I merely loved that the idea of having her, I suppose," He said. "But I never in five hundred years truly loved her. For it is hard to love a woman that resents you, and even harder to love one that betrayed you."

At this my heart soared; hearing it was like music to my ears. I lifted my head and saw nothing but sincerity in his eyes.

"If Splucia told you everything, this it must be because she was trying to save you from the same fate. She wants me to correct my past mistakes."

"And yet you still brought me here," I mused. "Why?"

Why would he make the same mistake and take me here, knowing what happened the last time?

Caius sighed. "Perhaps it is because some men never learn, Mia cara." He took a seat back beside me. "Perhaps it is because I never learn. And that I am selfish, and cruel. And I am also used to getting what I want."

My breath hitched at the smirk he gave me.

"Time has made you rather greedy," I commented as he held my face again.

Caius grinned. "Most men prefer to live their lives never going after what they want. Always hiding in the shadows; cowering and waiting for the day it is brought to them instead of simply taking it."

"But you are not most men," I retorted.

He shook his head. "No, mia regina, I am not."

He was so close that I could feel the cold radiating off of his body. Our hands touched, my body involuntarily scooting closer to his.

"Can I tell you something?" I asked him, looking up at him through my lashes.

Caius hummed.

"I am glad that you are not like most men," I told him quietly, putting a hand on his chest. "Most men are despicable. Weak. It's a relief that my mate is someone like you."

Caius looked genuinely surprised at my words. "You are relieved?" He asked in disbelief. I nodded. "Now that is a shock."

"How so?"

His lips curled. "People fear me and yet you look at me like I'm the greatest treasure in the world," He said awe.

I blushed and suddenly dropped my gaze on him. Caius, however, made me look at him again.

"I never said it was a bad thing," He smirked. I payed extra attention to the way his lips curled; and I found myself staring at them a little too hard.

"Earlier, I was jealous," I suddenly confessed to him. "When Splucia told me of Athenadora — I went quiet because I was jealous of all the years you had spent with her."

"Jealous?" Caius chuckled. "I did not peg you for the type, mia amora."

"Perhaps I am more like you than you know," I said. "Perhaps...I don't like people taking what's mine, either."

A silence suddenly casted itself upon us. Caius was nearly speechless, and I couldn't help but continue to stare at his lips. They looked so soft    and I briefly wondered what they would feel like pressed against mine.

"Mia amora?"

"Hm?" I hummed, my eyes never looking up.

"Perhaps if it is me you want, maybe you should learn to take it."

A wide smile grew on my lips at this. Hesitantly, my eyes flickered to Caius' for permission and he briefly nodded. I stared at his lips once again. And then-



I nearly jumped off of the couch in fright as a knock sounded, and then whoever it was invited themselves in just as I had began to lean in.

My heart raced, eyes darting to the door so see who it was that interrupted. Caius growled, even less happier than me as he spun around.

"You fool!" He was suddenly in front of the unlucky vampire and before I could blink, had him by the throat. "Who gave you the order to enter without my permission?"

"A-Aro-!" The poor boy struggled in Caius' grip but could not manage to break it. "He said...he said to come and retrieve you! He said it was important!"

"And did he also say that he wanted you back with your head attached to your body?" Caius growled.

The boys eyes widened. I frowned.

"Caius!" My tone was disapproving as I stared at my mate. He turned to me. "Let him go," I said desperately, not wanting to see the boy struggle.

Caius' eyes turned from me, and then back to him. I pleaded once more before he sighed, finally listening to me.

The boy's body dropped with a 'thud.' I sighed in relief.

"Be lucky you have such a merciful Queen," Caius spat at him. The boy crawled upwards and quickly bowed at me.

"Thank you, your grace," He said, his voice shaking. It was strange to hear from such a graceful creature. I turned my head down.

"You're welcome," I whispered lowly, looking at Caius. He turned away from the frown on my face.

"What business does Aro have with me?" He asked quickly.

"He wanted me to tell you that the Khan Coven is here," The boy answered fearfully.

Caius froze.

"The Khan Coven?"

"Yes your grace."

There was a long pause from Caius as he took this information in. I could see his expression turning from anger, to quickly concern.

"Very well. Take me to them now," Caius demanded.

My eyebrow rose at the urgency in his voice. He looked at me and I could see worry in his eyes.

"And find someone to take your Queen back to her room," He also said.

It was clear that whatever, or whoever this 'Khan Coven' was, they were important enough for Caius haul it back to the throne room.

After a quick explanation and a promise that he would back soon, he was quickly on his way out. As soon as they left, another vampire came shortly after fetch me.

"My Queen," He bowed, but I quickly held my hand up and shook my head.

"Please," I wasn't born into royalty nor did I want to start acting like it now. I was the same person after all, and I didn't expect people to kiss my feet just because of who my mate was. If I was to be Queen, I wanted to earn it. "Call me Nadine."

MAKE THEM GOLDEN,   caius volturiWhere stories live. Discover now