Chapter 1

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Leorio's p.o.v.

Leorio sighed and took a good photo of him. He posted it to his Instagram story saying "looking for a fuck buddy".

He posted it.

Leorio set his phone down and started making himself food. It wasn't much, just ramen. It was enough to make him happy.

He poured his finished ramen into a bowl and walked to his living room, where he sat down. He turned the TV on and played 'Nailed It'.


Leorio picked his phone up.

Red_Sunshine_1999 wants to send you a message

Leorio opened Instagram and accepted the message.

Red: Hey, I saw ur story and decided 'why not give it a shot?' I'm Kurapika btw

The Oreo Man: Okay
The Oreo Man: I'm Leorio 
The Oreo Man: Is there anything I need to know?

Red: What are your thoughts on trans ppl?

The Oreo Man: As long as they aren't terrible people, I'm chill with them
The Oreo Man: Why do you ask 

Red: Um... I'm a trans guy

The Oreo Man: OH
The Oreo Man: Okay
The Oreo Man: So what are your pronouns?
The Oreo Man: Back to my previous question, Is there anything I need to know?

Red: I haven't had top surgery yet, I've been on T for a year now, and I've never had sex. My pronouns are he/him, yours?

The Oreo Man: He/they, and that's good to know
The Oreo Man: I'll make sure your first time is as enjoyable as possible 

Red: Thx

The Oreo Man: :)

Red: When should we meet up? I'm free on the 25th

The Oreo Man: That works!

Red: Okay

Leorio smiled at his phone and went to his story and deleted it. They went back to watching the TV.

He was going to make Kurapika's first time as awesome as he could.

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