Kaitlyn looked at her feet, biting her lip. What if they didn't know? How could she tell them? She was already showing a little. It wouldn't be long before she showed a lot.

She sighed. 'Why can't things just be easy?'

'Why can't what be easy?'

Kaitlyn turned to find Zeke ducking inside. His amber eyes searched hers. 'Are you all right? I sense distress.' He looked around the room, as though looking for an enemy.

'I'm fine.' She quickly shoved away the pads. 'Just ... thinking about things.' She gave a wan smile.

His eyes returned to hers. He stepped towards her, holding out his hand. 'I can make you feel better.'

'No ... no. That's okay. I've got to deal with it, right?'

'I suppose.' His forehead was pinched and his perfect eyebrows sat low over his startling eyes. 'I just don't like the feel of your pain.'

'I'm sorry.'

'We care for you, Kaitlyn. Remember that.'

Kaitlyn's throat turned thick. 'I care for you too. Maybe ... maybe you could just hold me?'

Zeke smiled. 'Of course.'

He stepped into her arms and held her. Kaitlyn sighed into his hard shoulder. She needed to tell him. She could feel the urge on the tip of her tongue. But the words wouldn't come. They'd forgiven her of so much already. She didn't want to complicate things.

Not yet.

They stayed two days at the little shack, Kaitlyn filling her time with swimming and sun baking and mindless walking, eating and resting, not doing much except being in the company of her angels. She couldn't remember a time where she'd been more content. Even happy.

No. That wasn't true. She could remember it with Jacob.

On the third day, they left. Kaitlyn wasn't completely dreading the move. Not everything was perfect; the shack had no power nor running water. The cold food and the novelty of using the outside for a toilet was quickly wearing off.

'Where are we going?' she said as Catherine loaded the trunk with her belongings.

They were all dressed in the usual overlarge sweaters, though they hadn't pulled their hoods over their heads yet. The red sedan was clunky and old with a soft top and tacks stuck in the ceiling. As usual Samuel slid into the driver's seat.

Zeke opened the rear door for her. 'We are going where we are safe and welcome. David is already there.'

Kaitlyn pursed her lips. 'It's a church, isn't it?'

He twisted his mouth.

She chuckled. 'It's okay. I don't hate churches. At least, not since you guys came along.'

As she slid into the backseat, she tried not to think about what had happened at the last church she'd stayed in, when she'd deceived them all and turned to Satan. It was probably a pile of rubble now. Kaitlyn grimaced as she strapped herself in.

'No blindfold?'

'No blindfold.' Zeke took his seat beside her.

Kaitlyn glanced at the empty seat on her other side where Jacob would usually sit. Zeke rested his hand on her knee. It helped to stem the flow of tears as she worried about him—and Lucifer. It seemed every time she thought of Jacob, thoughts of Lucifer would follow. She would never forget how they looked together in those final moments ...

Kaitlyn was sad as she watched the shack and the pristine, isolated little beach disappear behind them. The place had made her feel like she was the only person left in the world. Even the road looked unused; Samuel had to take it slow over the many bumps.

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