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It seemed like only moments later when she next woke. Bright light was flooding through the windows. A dazzling blue with white fluffy clouds peered at her through the dirty glass. Kaitlyn sat up, then vaulted to her feet. She rushed outside.

It was real. It was all real. No more gloom or screaming or madness. This was no illusion. During her short time in hell, she'd forgotten how bright the world could be. She looked towards the beach as the light glinted off the water. Waves crashed upon the sand with a rumble. Other than that, it was utterly quiet. I could live here.

'Can we stay?' Kaitlyn said, hearing someone's approach.

'Only for a short time,' came David's voice. 'You need your life back, Kaitlyn. It is God's wish.'

'But I like it here. I would like God more if He let me stay.'

'How will you feed and clothe yourself? The building provides little warmth or shelter. We will not stay with you forever.'

'You're angels. You could build me something, couldn't you?'

'Our powers do not work like that.'

'Then convince a builder to come and help me.'

'No, Kaitlyn. You have more challenges yet to face.'

Kaitlyn turned on him with a scowl. 'I've met enough challenges for a lifetime!'

David was impassive, his violet eyes calm. He had kept his long red hair loose, allowing it to tumble down his broad shoulders. Kaitlyn's fury burned away. How could she be angry at him?

Kaitlyn sighed. 'Whatever you say.'

She turned towards the house, took a step, then turned back towards the beach. It was quite a cool morning, goose bumps were budding all over her skin, but she began stripping off anyway. The place was deserted and quite frankly, she just didn't care if anyone did see her.

She ran for the water, the sand soft beneath her feet, the sun beating down on her shoulders. The water was surprisingly warm as it splashed around her. She dove under a wave.

David didn't stop her. Nobody demanded that she come back in. She could see Samuel and Catherine keeping an eye on her from a distance.

After probably thirty minutes, she exited the water, shivering, water dripping form her hair. Catherine met her on the sand and wrapped a towel around her.

'We have breakfast waiting for you,' she said.

And that was when Kaitlyn realised how hungry she was.

Breakfast was only simple, cereal and fruit, but Kaitlyn wolfed it down like it was a feast. She was alone, the angels leaving at her request. It felt almost ... improper to eat in front of them.

When she was done, she went over to their supplies and rummaged through them. She'd dressed in a clean pair of shorts and an overlarge shirt since her swim but there were plenty more clothes.

Kaitlyn paused when she came across a pack of sanitary pads, her mouth suddenly dry. She might have returned to Earth but the consequences of her misadventure were hardly over. She grabbed for her necklace before remembering that she was still wearing Lucifer's necklace. She released it and laid her hand on her abdomen. So much had happened over the past day that she'd completely forgotten about her pregnancy. Satan was gone but his progeny still lived on. What did that mean? What was she to do?

Heart pounding, Kaitlyn looked towards the door where her angels waited outside. They must know that she was still pregnant, so why buy pads? Had they forgotten? Or did they know at all?

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