The Beginning of Happiness yet Sadness

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Master Xu: Well Vibha, its sad that u didn't get to talk to your new friend properly but, now you need to go get ready for training. I mean, your final training with me(with a sad smile). 

Vibha just nodded. On one hand, she was upset that her newly made friend left so soon and that today is her last day of training. On another hand, she was happy that she would finally meet her family.

Throughout the day, Vibha and Master Xu spent dueling with various weapons until lunch. After lunch, both teacher and student discussed about war tactics, deception, past mistakes done by emperors and warriors, politics, ancient scriptures, culture, society norms and laws. They also made medicines and poisons that would be very helpful. After lunch, they decided to take a stroll around and practice using water powers.

As Vibha made a dragon sculpture using water, she started a conversation.

Vibha: Master Xu, I never thought I would ever be able to use water to make magical sculptures and use it to defend or attack someone. I am very thankful to you. Master, if I may ask you, how did you get interested in war tactics and magical powers? When did you start learning? 

Master Xu: Before telling you my story, I want you to remember one thing Vibha. Where there's a will, there is always a way. Anyone can make water sculptures. They just need to believe and have trust in themselves. I learnt to control water from my master. He taught me to believe in nature and have trust in myself. When I was 6, my mum went to the market everyday to sell fruits and vegetables. One day, a bunch of goons stole my mum's fruits and vegetables. So she went to the soldier at the end of the market and asked him to help her out. Instead, he took her in his hostage. He married her forcefully and then I dont know what happened to my mum. I got to know that she was married forcefully from one of the servant, 12 years later. He said that she most probably di die... died, like others.(a tear fell from his left eye) I went to the emperor but could never talk to him because the soldier always threatened to kill me. That was when, I decided to become a warrior to eliminate such disgusting immoral soldiers. I worked day and night. Exactly 14 years after the day I found out what had happened to my mum, I went to the same soldier and asked him what happened to my mum. He was drunk at that time and splattered out the truth. He had TORTURED my mum. I could not handle myself and punished him not just for my mother, but other any other woman  who got tortured by him who could have been a sister, a mother or a daughter to someone. I served as a secret warrior for a few years helping people. After that, I had decided to train young people into strong and virtuous warriors.  

Vibha: Im very sorry about your mother master Xu. Master Xu, thank you so much for being my master. I am truly inspired by you.

Master Xu: No Vibha, I was just doing my duty and I still am and will always do. Vibha, tell me about your life. Answer the same questions you asked me.

Vibha: Master Xu, although I was from a family of royals, I was always inferior to my brothers. I thought that it was because I was younger than them and accepted it. But later, I realised that all the woman, royal or not, were always considered underneath men. This was all surprising to me because, I had lived 13 years of my life in a forest with just my 2 mums, my dad and my 5 older brothers. Everything was equal there and nothing partial. When I had first arrived at Hastinapur, my pitamah said that girls and boys live in separate mahals. Later that night, at dinner, everyone except the woman of the family sat to eat. When I was about to sit, my grandpa, the maharaj of Hastinapur stopped me. 


Maharaj: putri Vibha, you need to wait.

Vibha: bade papa, why can i not sit here? I am very hungry and there are so many seats empty.

maharaj: no Vibha. The woman of any family must eat after the men. These are the rules.

Vibha: but bade papa, when I was in the forest, my papa, 2 matas, my brothers and I always sat together and ate. Papa never told us to wait till he finishes. 

Maharaj: Vibha, that was because you were in the forest. Here in the palace or in any country, you must wait for the men of the house to finish eating. Girls eat after men. No more questions.

end of flashback

When I turned to look at my mum, she had a sad smile. I was very confused. Anther incident similar to this was when I wanted to pursue education in warfare. My brothers teacher was guru Drona. I was  given the freedom to choose my own teacher. Since I had always stayed with my brothers, I decided to ask him if he would be my guru. I went happily and asked him but he broke the heart of that 13 year old girl. He called me weak and won't be able to cope up with the standards because I am a girl. Even Maharaj Dhiritarashtra who was present there didn't say anything on my behalf. I was broken. That day, a lot of things made sense. People thought that girls were inferior to me. I ran to my Mata. She was also astonished. She told me to go find a guru who wont be partial. Just like you, even my mata said that there is always a way when there is will. I felt a new energy that day. An energy, a strong notion to prove myself to the society. To prove that a girl can be equal to a boy. I wanted to bring equality and I still do. I found guru Parushuram. I trained hard day and night. I made myself stronger emotionally and physically. Now I am here all strong and ready to face the society, all thanks to my 2 gurus, You and Lord Parashuram. 

Master Xu: My dear child, you have indeed grown stronger. You will fulfill your purpose. Your purpose to make equivocal society. I know you will. You are my student. I am proud of you dear but you still have a lot of challenges to overcome. We should head back home now. You have a big day tomorrow.

Vibha: Master Xu, once we head back home, can we drink your special tea, please?

Master Xu: Of course we can:)

That night, Vibha's heart felt heavy but her mind felt light. She felt as if she was going to face something bad but she told herself that whatever she faces, her family would be by her side and that itself would make it easier for her to face any hurdle.

Time to see what's happening in Hastinapur

Duryodhana: mamashree! We have succeeded! The pandavas are gone FOREVER! They all DIED in the lakshagrah! even that bratty little sister of theirs won't be able to survive. We can marry her off and there won't be a trace of the pandavas here. MWUAHAHAHAA!!

Shakuni: ha mere bachche! Yes! They're gone forever! The pandavas sister is not even a matter to think about. We can just marry her of as an alliance marriage and BOOM, no one will ever remember them. 

Dushasan: The pandavas are gone and bhaiyya you are going to be coronated. I've never been this happy forever in my life ever!! But bhaiyya, we need to do something about the person who came and stole stuff from our palace itself. I bet it's that Nandini. We should make sure that she doesn't blurt anything to anyone. We must finish her off in front of the people without letting her reveal anything.

Shakuni: yes. We will nab her when everyone, that old man Bhishma, that stupid Vidur, the king and every royal go to our neighboring kindom for their daughter's marriage. When they all go, we can catch that Nandhini and silence her forever. MWUAHAHAHA!!!

Next day

Master Xu: Have a safe journey Vibha. Remember, where there's a will, there will always be a way. Confidence, calmness, concentration and determination are the keys to success in anything. Do write to me occasionally.

Vibha: I will always remember what you have taught me master Xu. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for me. I will write to every month master Xu.

Vibha says bye and rides like the wind on her snow white horse, Aayan with Cuckoo flying right beside her.

Vibha in her mind: I will reach home in approximately 14 days. I'll go home without giving any information to anyone. I will surprise mata and brathas. Yes that will be sooo fun!! The 13th day of my journey is a very special day. I will have to keep a mounvrat the whole day. This day comes once every 75 years. Master Xu said that who ever keeps a mounvrat that day will gain the power needed to help their loved ones if their ever in trouble.

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