Who's coming?

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This was the last week of Vibha's training with master Xu. Only 2 days were left.

Master Xu: Vibha, you have been a wonderful student. You have successfully learnt complex techniques of warfare, can control water and above all of it, you can control your self. Tomorrow we will have duels with various weapons and finally a duel without any weapons. Then you will practice your water powers under my supervision for the last time. ( A bit sadly) Oh, I almost forgot, a student of a close friend of mine will be coming today deliver a letter that can't be read by anyone other than me. It is something related to the emperor of China. Unfortunately, I will be at another place when the letter arrives so, I would like you to receive that letter and keep it safely until I come. I will return back by 8:30 at night. Remember, it should not be read by anyone other than me.

Vibha: Yes master Xu. I will ensure with my life that it isn't read by anyone other than you. Master Xu, do you know who will deliver the message?

Mater Xu: It will be a boy, a year older than who will deliver this message. He is also from aryavart just like who has come to enhance his skills. Now, I must leave Vibha. Take care.

Master Xu had left with Vibha thinking who might be coming.

Vibha in her mind: Who can it be? Can it be my brothers or Karn bhai? No, it cant be, if it was, im sure they would've informed me about this. Well, i guess i have to wait and see. 

Near Master Xu's hut

Unknown person: I couldve been here an hour go but Chandra had to get mad at me just because I didnt get him that one mango from that tall tree. Master Xiao had told me to give this master Xu or his student. I can see a girl sitting on the porch but is she master Xu's student. I cant see master Xu either. Master said that if master Xu isnt here then I should give it to his student but only after that student duels with me without any weapons and proves that he/she is a student of master Xu.

Vibha in her mind: Oh my god! How long is that messenger going to take to reach here. It's 6:30 and its getting dark. He shouldve been here an hour ago but he's still not here! I still have a feeling that im being watched by someone but I cant see them. Could it be that messenger or is it an intruder? I'll just wait over here. I have my dagger just incase anyways.

After 20 minutes, someone tried to tackle Vibha to the ground from her left but Vibha dodged it. Vibha tried to see her opponents face but couldnt as their face was cover by a black cloth with only their eyes visible to her. Her opponent attacked her again fiercely but Vibha dodged it elegantly.

Vibha in her mind: Wow, this person's eyes are as fierce and powerful as their moves. By the way they attack, this person should be a trained warrior. I think this person is a boy. 

Unknown person in their mind: Her moves are soo elegant! I've never seen a girl attack this elegant yet lethally

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Unknown person in their mind: Her moves are soo elegant! I've never seen a girl attack this elegant yet lethally. Her eyes are mesmerizing just like her moves.

They both were fighting aggressively for an hour and a half with no expression on their faces yet complementing each other in their minds

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They both were fighting aggressively for an hour and a half with no expression on their faces yet complementing each other in their minds.


Master Xu had returned.

Master Xu: How long have you both been fighting. Who are you masked warrior? Remove your mask.

Unknown person (after removing): Good evening master Xu. I am Master Xiao's student Vrishank here to deliver a letter of great importance to you. I wasnt sure if the lady here was your student or not and hence, I decided to test her.

Master Xu: Well what do you think? Is she my student or not? and when did you reach here and start attacking?

Unknown person: I think she definitely is your student. I had reached here about 2 hours ago and was observing her for 20-30 mins then started attacking her. My master had told me that your current student is very elegant yet ferocious when she attacks and so I decided to check. This lady over here attacked very elegantly yet ferociously which made me doubt myself whether I was skillful enough  to be able to compete with her. She defended herself and attacked me for an hour and a half without getting tired.

Master Xu(light chuckles): Well, Im proud that my student has dignified me, but I must compliment you too for sustaining her attacks for so long. Ive never seen anyone sustain her attacks for so long. Do you have anything to say Vibha?

Vibha: yes master. I would also like to compliment him. Oh masked warrior, you should not doubt yourself because self doubt can lead to your ultimate defeat. I dont see any reason for you to doubt your skills. You are great at fighting. You were fighting so quickly that I couldnt even taking my dagger. I am amazed by your skills.

Vrishank: Thank you so much. Its been a pleasure dueling with you. Master Xu, here is your letter that was given by master Xiao.

Vrishank handed a golden letter to master Xu.

Master Xu: Thankyou. Its very dark now. I suggest you stay with us tonight. Vibha, you can show him the guest room and serve him dinner. You should also eat. I have some other work. I will eat later. You both might be very hungry after dueling.

Vrishank: Oh, that's very kind of you. Thankyou.

Heyy guys! Im back! Im realllllllyyyyyy sorryyyy for the late update! As I said earlier, I cant promise you regular updates. Ill try and update you whenever I can. I have a lot of ideas for the story. I just need time to write them out. PLEASEE VOTE, SHARE AND COMMENT. Ciao!! ;))

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