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Everything in this book itself is fiction. None of this is true. Its just my imagination completely.

Vibha had a pleasant time learning along with Karn in Lord Parshuram's ashram. She and Karn spent 8 years learning weapons and Vedas from Lord Parshuram.  Karn was a brilliant archer. He had a divine kavach and kundal. It was unbelievable that he was a sutputra. Vibha was a magnificent sword fighter. When she fought with a sword, it would seem as if the sword is a part of Vibha. The swings of her sword are elegant yet lethal. 

On the last day, Vibha had a last duel with Lord Parshuram with her sword. Karn was sitting outside the arena eating a banana and watching them. Vibha and her guru had a very intense duel that lasted for an hour. At the end, Lord Parshuram won by a second. 

Lord Parshuram: Wow! I'm very impressed Vibha. This is the longest duel we've ever had so far. You have improved more than I thought you could from the first duel we had. The first duel we had lasted 2 minutes, and our last duel has lasted an hour. Im very impressed. Hence, I am granting you a wish that no one can defeat you in sword fighting or archery when played by rules except for one person. Only your true love can defeat you and vice versa. 

Vibha: Thank you so much for the blessing guru! 

Lord Parshuram with a sad smile: Vijayi Bhava! You both should depart for your next destination now or else you might get late.

Vibha and Karn nodded sadly.

Karn: So Vibha, where are you going now? Hastinapur right? I've heard that the Kalapradarshan is going to happen and that your brothers are in it too. I'm going to see Arjun after a long time. 

Vibha: You can go, but Im not going yet. I am going to this other place to enhance my skill. Moreover, I had promised Mata that i will return exactly 1 year after my brathas return.


A few months before Vibha's training had finished, she wrote a letter to her Mata. 

- Pranam Mata! How are you? I hope everything is fine. I am having a great time over here. Lord Parshuram and his wife are like parents to me after classes but when I its class time, Guru is very strict. He is the exact opposite in the evening. I find it very hard to believe. Me and my friend play pranks on them and we all laugh together. It is very fun. Oh! I almost forgot. I just wanted to inform you that I will return exactly 1 year after my Brothers return. I am going to another land outside Aryavart to enhance my skills. Lord Parshuram had suggested this and I thought it would be right for me to do so that I would always be able to stand beside my brothers no matter what. But Mata, you better wait for me back at Hastinapur when I return. If you are not there when I come, then I wont talk to you nor my 5 brothers until you call me out loud to come in front of you. Byee Mata!

Flashback ends--

Karn: Come on! I dont want to go alone though. Ok fine. Then meet you after 1 year. Exactly one year. I will be waiting for you, Cuckoo and Aayan. Ok bye!

Vibha: Byeeee!!!

They parted ways oblivious to the fact that something great is awaiting for both of them.

She travelled on her dear horse Aayan in the speed of wind towards the west towards China. She reached China in  a week without resting for long. There, she went in search of an ashram that her guru had told her about. He was incredible in weaponry and had magical powers too. At last, Vibha found his house in a field of cherry blossom. He was meditating. Vibha went and sat in front of him patiently waiting for him to finish.

After 10 mins, the teacher opens his eyes to see a girl in front of him.

Teacher: Open your eyes my child.

Vibha (chinese): Greetings, my name is Vibha. I am from Aryavart.  My guru, Lord Parshuram had sent me here to get education from you about weapons and something special that he didn't tell me about. He gave me this letter for  you to read.

Vibha gives the letter to him waits for him to finish reading the letter.

Teacher(chinese): Well I am pleasured to teach you dear. I am master Xu. I will enlighten you about the special thing your guru Parshuram wanted me to teach about in the coming few days. Although, I must test your skills before we start training.

In a second he took his sword out and started dueling with Vibha. Vibha also dueled with him effortlessly. They're duel became intense as the time passed. After 30 mins, they both stopped together as their battle was never ending.

Master Xu: Wonderful! I'm impressed. Only very few warriors have been able to sustain my attacks yet they also lost. You are the first warrior who has been able to give me equal fight. We shall start your training today evening.

They both went to their chambers until evening.

Back in Hastinapur:

Maharani Gandhari: Kunti, the kalapradarshan just finished. Everyone is back. Your sons, my sons. Then where is Vibha? It is night time already. 

The pandavas were listening too.

Kunti (chuckles): Jiji, do you remember the day my putri had left. Its still fresh in my mind and heart. The way she asked me whether being born as a girl is a sin, still stabs my heart. My Kalyani has gone to improve herself and make the so called impossible, possible. She will be a warrior princess. She will come back. She will be back all grown up and brave yet she would still be my little daughter. As I said years back, she herself will tell who her guru is when she returns back. She said she will return back a year after her brothers return. I am waiting for her eagerly. I am  waiting to see my grown up little bundle of joy. My warrior princess. To see my Kalyani.  (A lone tear fell from Kunti's eye.)

Arjun: Yes Mata. Even we 5 brothers are waiting to see our dearest Satva back. We cant wait to hear the tinkles of her anklets. I cant wait for my partner in crime. She my warrior sister. Our warrior sister and and your warrior daughter. We know that she will prove herself. 

The others nodded to what Kunti and Arjun said. They all retired to their beds after that. 


Master Xu: So Vibha, I hope you had a good rest because you are going to go through intense training this year. Let us start with sword fighting.

The rest of the day, Master Xu sharpened Vibha's sword fighting skills. That whole week, Master Xu sharpened Vibha's fighting skills.

Heyy there! I am back. I know, I took a very long time to write this chapter and I am very sorry. I was a bit busy with all my work and i got sick this week as well. So, I finally found time to write this chapter. I cant promise you on regular updates but I'll try my best to give updates. PLEASEEE VOTE AND COMMENT ON THIS BOOK. PLEASEE. It actually helps a lot. Please comment any feedback or ideas you have. VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE THIS BOOK. So until next time, ciao!!!

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