Special Skill?

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A month had passed since Vibha started learning from master Xu. She settled in pretty quickly and loved the Chinese tea her master offered her after training each day. Vibha had learnt different ways of sword fighting and even created her own moves. She was working on improving her senses when fighting. She had to work on that because her guru Parshuram said that she needs to have the ability to fight at least a fifty demons at once.

One day, when she was working on her senses, master Xu told her stop and follow him. They went to a lake in the woods.

Master Xu: Vibha, take a deep breath, close your eyes and concentrate on a drop of water flying from the pond into your hands.

Vibha: but master, how can a drop of water land onto my hand when it's not even raining?

Master Xu: anything is possible with concentration. Why don't you try it for once. Remember, you need to concentrate deeply.

Vibha did as she was told to. After five minutes of concentration, her master told her to open her eyes with a pleasant smile.

Vibha: OH! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? master am I hallucinating? How did it land on my palm?

Master Xu: concentration. Concentration is the answer Vibha. Vibha, remember you told me your guru sent you here to learn a special something. This is it. This is your special power. Your ability to control water. A spiritual person like me  usually takes a very long time to even get a drop out the lake. When I was in training, I took twenty five hours to just bring one drop of water out of the lake. But you. You made a drop of water land on your palm in just AN HOUR! What you did is just incredible! It is twilight now. Enough training for today. We'll come here at first light tomorrow.

That night:

Vibha was in her room disturbed. She had a very bad feeling. She suddenly felt the urge to see her Mata and brothers. Sleep overtook her after a lot of toss and turn on her bed.

Little did Vibha know that her Mata and brothers are at the verge of dieing. They were in varnavart. They were in the lakshagrah fighting with fire.

Sorry for the late update. I was pretty busy with school work and felt tired like almost every evening. Now it's finally the HOLIDAYS for me, so more chapters to expect. Until then, CIAOO!! Xoxo 💕

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