chapter 6

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It’s been a few years since then and hadrian was now 7. He had been living with the founders for a while now and had become pretty close with them. Especially Helga and Salazar who took on the roles of his parents. However during his time he had learned many things such as; arithmancy, potions, transfiguration and even simpler things like reading and writing. During his time he also learned many things about himself, one of which is that he wasn't happy with the way he looked. Which leads us to today.

Hadrian was currently in his room, he was laid cuddled up in his sheets on his bed. Soon Salazar came into the room to talk to hadrian, but when he came in he saw that hadrian was laid with his stuffies and all of his blankets cuddled up to him. This immediately gave away to salazar that hadrian was upset, since he knew that this was one of hadrian’s coping mechanisms.

Releasing a small sigh, Salazar closed the door and walked over to his son. He sat on the side of Hadrian's bed and pulled away one of the blankets that was hiding his son’s face. However when he did he noticed that hadrian had tears strolling down his face. Salazar was quick to pick up his son and pull him into his chest, letting him cry. Immediately when he was in his father’s arms he wrapped his legs around his father and gripped the fabric of Salazar's shirt needing the comfort as he cried.

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