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Penny was six months old now and she was chunky. Louis always had chunky babies. According to Anne When Harry was a baby he was more roll then baby.
Penny's wide blue eyes darter across the room. She was a nosy baby. She hated not being included and she always wanted to know what her daddy was doing.

If Penny wasn't breastfeeding she was on Harry's hip. She loved her daddy. When Harry had to leave for a week and a half she cried for him almost every day.

Harry watched his daughter observe the crazy world she was born into. She was in the living room sitting up almost on her own. She used a breastfeeding pillow as support, but she really didn't it. HJ was reading a book to her and Leo, on Leo request. Leo sat next to his sister criss cross apple sauce as HJ's stumbled through the book. HJ picked out Annie B. which was a spin off of Junie B Jones.

Louis was in the kitchen with a pit of nerves and uncertainty in his stomach. Louis had a feeling, no, Louis knew he was pregnant again. He's been pregnant enough to just know. Everytime he heard Harry's voice or a baby's giggle the pit would twist and turn. He was nauseous, but was it his nerved or was it a baby. Louis wasn't sure. Louis jumped as strong tattooed arms slithered around him waist. Soft lips kissed his neck.

"Why are you so tense," Harry hummed as he pressed himself against Louis' ass,"what's got you so stress princess," Harry's lips went from his neck to his ear,"if we had the house to ourselves, I'd take you right here," Harry reached up into Louis' large t-shirt and found the waist band of the silk shorts that barely covered his ass. Louis let out a soft moan.
"Daddy," slipped past Louis' lips. Louis shook his head, making him fall out of Harry's trance,"not here Harry," Louis cleared his throat. Harry smirk as he pushed the rock in his pants against Louis one more time.

"You can't look good with your ass hanging out and expect me not to bend you over the counter," Harry stuck his hand in his pants to tuck his hard penis in his sweat pants waistband,"but tonight i expect you to have your ass up in the air."
Louis' face went red. His nerves were back. He had to tell Harry. His husband was leaving to America tomorrow for three months. It was now or never,"I think I'm pregnant."

Harry's eyebrows raised. His green rye's traveled down to Louis stomach, stopping at his breast for a moment before getting to its final destination,"hm, baby number eleven?" Harry asked.

"Yeah...I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing for getting pregnant Louis," Harry's voice raised in frustration,"honey, we're at the point where adding one more child in the mix won't change much."
Louis nodded,"I have to test."
"You can test after I fuck you tonight."

Louis' ass was in the air much like Harry requested. Harry was in the shower slowly stroking his member so he would be ready to go.

Before Harry got in the shower he shoved a vibrator in Louis' ass with the high setting on. Louis wiggled his ass around as pleasure jolted through his body. His toes curled and his legs jerked. Louis let soft moans leave his mouth.

Once the shower was turned off a naked Harry stood behind Louis. Harry's green eyes watched the toy inside Louis. He watched as Louis' frail fingers pushed the toy in and back out. The sound Louis was making was a melody to Harry.

"So pretty princess. All nice and ready for my cock. No wonder you constantly get pregnant," slap, a pink hand print appeared on Louis' cheek,"want to get pregnant with my baby, hm?" Harry growled,"pushing that toy in, pretending it's your daddy huh? You wish that it was your daddy pumping you full of seed?" Harry asked. Louis moaned as an answer. Slap!

"Answer me slut," Harry grunted. Harry pulled the toy out and lined himself up. He didn't push in though. Unnatural sounds left louis' throat.
"Daddy please ," Loyalty whined pushed back. Harry added a third print to his ass,"yes daddy, want you to fill me up," Louis mumbled out.

"Who's ass is this?" Harry poured lube on Louis' begging hole.
Harry pushed deep into Louis. Louis was a moaning mess. He was already close, but this almost pushed him over. Harry thrusted into Louis, on his g spot. The sound of sweet sex filled the room. Slapping skin and promises of breeding echoed in the master bedroom. It wasn't long before Louis finished on his pillow and Harry finished inside him.

Louis wrapped himself in his husband's large arms,"I don't want to test," Louis whispered.
Harry was craving a cigarette, a bad habit he picked up after he stopped drinking alcohol. Louis wasn't aware of this new addiction. Harry and Louis use to share cigarettes in highschool before HJ came along, but they both quit when Louis fell pregnant. Harry stopped drinking but that didn't stop his craving. Harry craved the high of a cigarette and even the high he would get off of coke at after parties. He wasn't addicted to coke unlike a third of holly wood was though. He was do it socially. Another detail about his life Louis didn't know.

"Baby, I kinda hope it's positive. I mean the only form of birth control we've been using is you breastfeeding. Clearly we don't care if you fall pregnant."

Louis looked at the ceiling,"yeah, you're right. All the other kids have siblings close to their age. Penny deserves one too."

"Pregnant or not I love you," Harry got out of bed and pull on a pair of boxers,"I got to get something out of the car. I'll be back,"and with a kiss on louis' forehead Harry was gone.

When Harry came back from the "car" Louis had a baby on his breast and a positive test in his hand.


I really don't write smut but here y'all go because I lot of people ask

I feel like I wrote better smut as a virgin then i do now but whatever

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