"What else did you see?"

I wince. "I saw you kill him, Care." she immediately looks worried. "But, that's not going to happen okay? Now that I've already helped you, everything is going to change. If at any point tonight you feel tempted, even a little, I want you to do what we practiced."

She started to do the breathing exercise that I showed her. "Yes, just like that. You are stronger than the urge. You can fight it, I know you can."

She starts to tear up. "Thank you for today. It means the world to me."

I smile at her and bring her into a tight hug. "Of course, what are friends for."

She hugs me back before pulling away and laughing. "What?"

"You know, I never really liked you until recently. To be honest, I hated you. You were a raging bitch."

We both burst out laughing. "Ditto." she stops laughing and gives a look of mock offense before pushing my shoulder. "I'm kidding. A little. But yeah, after I died, I changed. I knew if I kept going the way that I was going, that I'd eventually die. And I wanted more from life than being Matty's druggie sister."

"I don't want to be like I am either. I'm a jealous control freak, i know that everyone hates me."

"Caroline Forbes. You are an amazing woman. Everyone knows that you are coming from a good place. And I've seen your future. Vampirism suits you, it turns you into an even better version of yourself. You just have to give it time."

I stand up and grab our purses, holding out hers. "You ready?"

She smiled brightly and grabbed her bag. She walks over to me and intertwines her arm with mine. "You bet your ass I am."

When we got to the school, I let her loose to go find matt. I walk until I find something. I enter a hall and see an arm wrestling competition, Damon and Stefan watching.

I walk over and wedge in between them. As i do, i elbow Damon in the gut, hard. He hunches over with a grunt.

"That's for Jeremy, you dick."

When he stands up he opens his mouth to say something but rethinks his words when he sees the glare on my face. I hear Stefan chuckle from beside me and turn to look at him with a smile on my face.

"Hey Stefan, great night isn't it?"

I look back to the competition. Tyler and Mason are arm wrestling and I immediately remember this part. Tyler struggles for a bit but Mason eventually beats him, banging his arm onto the table.

"Alright, he's the champ. Who wants to go next."

I feel Damon raise my hand for me. "Uh, Vicki wants a go."

I glare at him before turning back and clearing my throat. "Yeah, I do."

I walk over and Tyler moves to the side with an eye roll. I get a good look at Mason. He looks even hotter than he did in the show.

"Ty, you didn't tell me your uncle was so hot." Ty scoffs while Mason looks like he's blushing a little bit. I have that effect on people.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I don't want to hurt you."

I smirk. "Bring it on." I put my elbow on the table and lift up my hand for him to grab onto.

"Get em' Vicki!" Damon cheers. I roll my eyes.

The bell rings and we start pushing. Wow, he is really strong. But I'm stronger.

We get stuck in the middle, both of us putting all of our strength into it.

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