part 2

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Molly Pov

Shawn and i stumbled into the door of his hotel room giggling our heads off at absolutely nothing. my arm was wrapped around his back and his arm wrapped around my shoulders we were practically falling onto each other. when we finally got inside we both crashed onto the bed, just staring at the ceiling trying to calm ourselves down. i had a great night, i met all of his friends, Brian was the nicest and his manager Andrew was the sweetest man i had ever meet. One drink turned into 20 and the mixing of alcohol didn't help our situation either, we ended up on the dance floor at one point. i honestly had the best night ever. 

"best 24th birthday ever" Shawn mumbled while still looking up at the ceiling and smiling like a goof. i didn't realise he was 24, not that i care about an age gap or anything. i rolled onto my side and place my elbow on the bed and rested my head on top of my hand and smiled and him. 

"24, wow you're practically an old man" i laughed at Shawn while he turned to me mimicking my position. 

"ha ha very funny" he sarcastically laughed "how old are you miss molly" he said as he tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear causing me to blush like crazy, even redder than i already was from the alcohol blanket. "i'm 18" i stated confidently and smiled at him. his whole face dropped and he went pale, which ultimately caused me to do the same thing. he got up off the bed and put his face in his hands then looked back up to me, his flusteredness caused me to sit up straight on his hotel bed.  

"are you kidding, please tell me you're kidding molly" he said raising his voice at me practically begging for me to say i was joking, i looked down at my lap and shook my head to tell him no, i honestly didn't think this was a big deal, i mean i am legal. 

"no, molly you're kidding, you were buying drinks with your ID, you have to at least be 21" he starts pacing back and forth. "legal age here is 18 Shawn" i practically whispered, he was making me feel worthless and honestly sobering me up. "6 years difference molly" he whisper shouts at me, i don't really know how to explain it, he was shouting at me but quietly so no one could hear. he was angry, and it was never my intention to lead him on like this, i honestly didn't think it would be a big deal. i stood up from the bed and started gathering all my things up.

"i should go then, thank's for tonight Shawn, i'm sorry" he quickly turned to face me,  guilt covering his facial features. he walked up to me and grabbed my hands "no, i'm sorry, i just thought id finally actually found a girl worth more than just a one night stand and she has to be 6 years younger than me" i looked up from looking at the floor and gazed into his eyes, did he really mean i was worth something to him? "is the age difference really that much of a big issue for you? because it isn't for me"  he let go of my hands and fell onto the bed, staring at the ceiling in the exact same position we were 5 minutes ago before both of our nights were ruined. 

"honestly, me? i don't really care. but you have to understand that i care about how i am perceived, and my fans, the media, they wont like it" that was all i needed to hear from him, quite frankly i'm glad he was just honest and said the truth instead of dragging me along, hiding me from the public. "right" was all i managed to choke up, obviously i was hurt because i mean its Shawn Mendes, but at the same time i understood his situation. i picked my things up and walked straight out of the door, he didn't stop me either, so i guess that also shows how he feels about the whole thing. as i was walking towards my uber all i could think about was how he would forget about me in the morning and move on with his crazy life, but me, id be stuck on him forever. 


it was currently 2am when i opened the front door to my flat, i dropped everything at the front door and walked into the living room noticing the lights were still on, as i walked in all the girls cheered. they stayed up for me, i don't know what i did to deserve such great friends. but then i sighed because they assumed my original date went well, i knew i had to tell them what really happened so i sat down on the couch and explained my whole entire night to them. 

"what a joke, but also a massive dick move"

"his loss anyway, both of them"

all the girls were going around in a circle insulting Shawn because of what he had done. it made me feel bad because i would hope a little part of him felt bad to, considering he told me he thought i was worth it. "guys i kinda understand, i mean he has a massive public image he has to keep up" the girls sighed at me and i stood up and started walking to my bedroom door. "and if that means he can only date food deprived models, then so be it"  i turned back to the girls and giggled and they all giggled back.

i took off all my clothes and put on pyjamas making sure i had a massive bottle of water next to me because i know ill be needing it because of how much alcohol id had, closed my eyes, trying so hard not to think about my incredible yet sad night with Shawn and then fell asleep. 

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