"Jesy are you awake" I said turning my head to look in her direction

She had her back to me I thought she was asleep but then she turned around so she was facing me I did the same so my whole body was facing her. Our eyes locked and next thing I know I lean in and kiss her, when I realised what I did I pulled away I was about to say sorry but then she pulled my head towards her and connected our lips again sending the bolts of electricity soaring through my body.

"are you sure you want to do this" I said as I disconnected our lips looking at her in the eye.

"I've wanted nothing more for the past 3 months....and I'm sick of being mad at you and upset I want you Perrie I need you...I love you" I smiled and pressed our lips together

"I love you too" I said between kisses. I wasnt that tired anymore.

I woke up with the light beaming through the window I reached for Jesy but she wasnt there, I smiled a little to myself thinking about last night  then sat up and looked out the window this place is really something the view from the window is amazing.

"Perfect timing" I heard Jesy say snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked to the door and she was walking towards the bed with a tray of food and tea.

"breakfast is served my love" she smiled handing me the tray and climbing back into bed next to me.

"awww this is amazing thank you" I smiled leaning in and kissing her.

After we finished our breakfast we just laid there cuddling it felt amazing nothing could ever compare to this feeling not even Naya. Being with Jesy in her arms is where I belong and I never want to be without her ever again.

"what shall we do today" I asked looking out the window resting my head on Jesy's boobs.

"I've got to go into work Ive just got some paperwork to do then we can do whatever you like"

"okay yeah I'll come Ive been away from you too long" I smiled

"okay well lets go now and then I'll be done earlier then we'll have more of the day" she smiled. We got ready and headed to the hospital.

"good morning Dr Nelson" some lass with brown hair greeted Jesy as we walked in. I must admint Dr Nelson sounds so hot I couldnt help smile

"morning cleo" she smiled back

"Perrie why are you smiling like that" woops

"oh nothing just I might start calling you Dr Nelson more often" I winked causing Jesy to give me a shocked look.

"whats happened to you"

"Lets just say I'm not shy anymore" I winked again pinching her bum.

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