
Meaning that it was his  fault.

No. A voice assured him.

That's not true.

He knows  it isn't. But sometimes... sometimes he just-

Clint shook himself out of these thoughts. He shouldn't be dwelling on these things right now. He had more important matters to solve.

He doesn't know if it was phantom pain or not but Clint swears he could feel Natasha hit his head again.


He doesn't know how long he was out but as soon as he got his vision back, the first thing he saw was Jason slowly backing away from him. His eyes flickered from a bright radioactive green to his normal blue-green color as he muttered to himself.

Jason was scared. Clint could see that.

But from what?

"Jason," Clint said as he took a careful step forward. "I'm going to come near you."

Jason's head moved up in surprise and for a few seconds, his eyes stopped flickering. They were normal but they were full of so much panic.

The voice was back, not from what. It said, but from who?

"Stay away from me," Jason said, a pleading note in his voice. "Please."  He begged, "I don't wanna hurt you. I can't- I don't know..." His voice trailed off and his eyes began to glow again.

Clint understood what he meant and it also gave him the answer.

Jason was scared of himself.

"How long do you think you can hold it?"

It was quiet and all he could hear was heavy breathing. Clint just continued to watch and wait. He had to be patient. Forcing the kid to do anything would end badly.

Soon enough, Jason held up three fingers.

Clint nodded to himself, deep in thought. "Do you think you can follow me?"

Jason pursed his lips before he took a step forward.

Clint quickly turned and headed to the training room. He didn't bother looking back, he knew Jason would follow him.

It didn't even take them a minute to arrive at the training room. Thank god for Tony and his super fast elevators.

The training room took over the whole floor. Clint immediately headed towards the side; where a huge rectangular space was occupied. It was one of the few areas that had grey mats instead of black.

"What are we doing here?" Jason's voice was low.

"You're going to fight."

"Fight you?" Jason asked, eyes darting back and forth. "No offense but-" His eyes turned green and Clint immediately reacted.

His body moved before his mind could comprehend what was going on. Clint shoved Jason into the mat, sending him tumbling, and immediately pressed the button on the wall.

Within a second, a wall appeared. It was solid and everything but it was such a light yellow that it was almost clear. Clint didn't know the science behind it. He tuned Tony out the moment the inventor mentioned nanotech.

Jason got up on his feet. His stance was offensive and his gaze was murderous. Luckily, it didn't take long for Jason to get distracted.

A holographic person appeared behind him and without even blinking, Jason lowered his body while swinging his foot around. Successfully getting rid of the first hologram.

Clint took a few steps back but he couldn't take his eyes off of Jason.

He knew the kid was good.

But god, the kid was good.

It was mesmerizing to watch him fight.

Jason jabbed his elbow to the left before stepping to the side with ease as he brought his fist to the virtual face.

More holograms appeared but Jason continued to demolish them. He made it look easy and Clint wanted to hop in and fight alongside the kid again.

He stopped himself from doing it. Jason needs this,  he reminded himself. You can fight with him later.

The number of holograms increased. It was fifteen vs. one now. Jason briefly looked around, his eyes bright green and full of boredom.

He beat them in less than five minutes.

Jason shut his eyes for a few seconds and the number of holograms grew once more. They had him surrounded. Jason's mouth tilted up as he narrowed his eyes in amusement.

It didn't take Jason more than eight minutes to defeat thirty of them.


Now Clint wanted to fight his- the kid.

If Jason could fight this well without his guns then even Nat's research didn't do him justice.

Just how good was the Red Hood?


Well hey there...

It's been a while huh?

But hey, better late than never...

I wanted to get this update out sooner but I got stuck. I didn't know how to start this chapter with how I ended the last one. Honestly, I don't know if the chapter flows but I'm hoping that it at least makes sense.

(If it doesn't please let me know so I can fix it)

I hope that you guys liked this chapter and that it didn't disappoint.

Also, if you couldn't tell, this is the second to last chapter of the first installment of the series. The next chapter is to deal with the aftermath of Jason and his pit rage. And then, we're moving on. I suggest subscribing to the series if you don't want to miss the next part.

Like always, leave a comment. We all know how much I love reading and replying to them. They're also good motivation so...

Speaking of comments, if you have any ideas or suggestions or criticism on this fic, please tell me. They'd help a ton!!

If you don't wanna leave a comment, that's fine. Maybe hit the star button thing. 

And once again, if you have any fanfic requests, questions, or just suggestions for any specific fanfics I'm writing, leave them in a comment or message me on her. 

Have a good day!!

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