The Not So Bully

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Jasmine is a female goth who goes to high school. She is a beautiful, white-furred cat. She wore a black skirt and dark purple shirt.

One day Jasmine was walking down the school hall and noticed two puma girls getting their things out of their locker. Their names were Keela and Geela. Keela and Geela were identical twins and were also two of the most popular girls in school.

Jasmine walked past the girls to her History class. Jasmine was the only student in her class to know who the fifth president of the United States was. After moments of ignoring a couple paper balls being thrown at her head, Jasmine feels the need to pee. She raises up her hand.

"Excuse me Miss. Conduct, could I use the bathroom?" Jasmine asks.

"Go right ahead sweetie."

Jasmine walks down the halls and into the girl's bathroom. She heads to the stall.

Jasmine uses the bathroom and notices a short, nerdy brown bear girl washing her face in the bathroom sink. Jasmine left the bathroom. It wasn't until their shared Biology class, the last of the day, that Jasmine could talk quietly during class. Jasmine told her lab partners Vanity Michelle Hubris and Sarah Richardson that she gave a swirlie to the chubby, nerdy, brown bear, Annie Brown.

The bell sounded after what felt like hours and Jasmine swiftly gathered her things. After a quick stop at her locker, Jasmine hurried out to where the buses were loading.

The next day...

Rumors about Jasmine Howell bullying Annie Brown spread. Annie Brown grows worried.

During Social Studies, another white-furred cat, Gwen the head cheerleader interrogated Jasmine for as much information as she could, Jasmine kept trying to change the subject, but of course Gwen wasn't having any of it. Jasmine said she also gave Annie a noogie. Giving noogies was cool.

Jasmine did her best to explain that Annie was a nice girl and that she wanted to be friends with her, which only led to even more questions. Jasmine did her best to ignore them.

In private, Annie Brown gives Jasmine a noogie.

During gym class, Jasmine targets the nerdy girls with the large rubber red balls. Annie Brown grabs the ball and throws it back.

Jasmine is hit right in the face hard as she drops to her hands and knees. Another dodgeball pelts Jasmine's butt as she's eliminated from the game. Annie Brown smiles.

After school, there was theater club. One of the volunteer stagehands, a small jackalope girl named Casey Enpoint, was helping paint some props for an upcoming show. The girls' pants caught on a loose bolt in the ladder and the sudden tug of her trousers caused her to lose her balance. This sent her lurching forward and with her panicked flailing she sent the can of pink paint flying into the air and right onto her head.

The sudden shift also happened to cause the ladder to tilt forward as well, which would have brought it and the girl crashing out onto the stage if not for the fact that the poor girls' underpants somehow snagged onto the free hook from before.

The girl stopped falling suddenly, being stopped by her own white, pink flower-patterned panties. Meanwhile the ladder continued to fall, not only pulling the jackalope's still-caught pants down her legs, but also pulling her right out into the spotlight before stopping halfway.

Jasmine laughed and took pictures, not realizing her own denim shorts were on a hook and Annie Brown was by a lever. Annie Brown pulls the lever. Jasmine is lifted by her denim shorts as they slip off her legs, revealing her tighty-whities. Annie Brown chuckles to herself.

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