I look back up at the girls and their jaws are on the ground. Mia's eyes have widened to the size of saucers and Lizzy just looks like she's frozen.

    I wave a hand in front of both their faces, "Did I break you guys or something-"

    "What the fuck!" Lizzy finally shouts. I jump back at her outburst and place a hand over my heart. Wow, I get scared very easily.

    "I thought you said nothing happened!" Mia yells from beside me.

    "I mean nothing happened..." I said shrugging, "It was just your regular Monday." They can't even argue with me on this one. I kicked Satan in the balls countless amount of times when we were at school together and things like this always used to happen. Him and I getting close, too private, too closed-off, everyone thought something was happening between us when in reality we just hated each other.

    "Sure nothing happened. What made you kick him in the balls then?" Lizzy asks throwing her arms in the air.

    "Balls. That's a funny word," Mia says staring off into the distance eating her cheeseburger. Lizzy looks at her and shakes her head.

    "I mean, he like...cornered me I guess. He was leaning over me and my back was against a table," I say quietly. It sounds worse than it is.

    Lizzy's eyes widen and even Mia who's in her own world looks at me, "Girl, you're so gonna fall in love with him." Mia says.

    "Oh come on!" I say and fall back on the couch. Why am I friends with them again?

    "Mia's right A. If you're not careful you are gonna fall for the enemy. Which is the exact opposite of what anyone wants. Then you guys will never shut up," Lizzy says sighing.

    "That is my biggest fear. Aria and Xander always talking," Mia says grabbing a pillow and hugging it. I grab the wrapper of my cheeseburger and ball it up throwing it at her head, "Ow!"

    "Shut up, both of you," I say glancing between them, "Xander and I are nothing more than two people who hate each other. So let's just drop it okay?"

    "She's getting defensive," Mia says whispering to Liz. Well, an attempt to whisper considering I heard her every word. I glare at her and she smiles.

    Lizzy turns towards Mia, "How's Jonah?" Mia's smile widens and she rants about her and Jonah for the next twenty minutes.

    "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you guys. Dylan is having a party Wednesday night, you guys should come. You can bring Jonah," I suggest smiling at Mia.

    "I'm there," Mia says.

    "Me too," Liz says and stands up throwing out our garbage, "So which movie? Ten things I hate about you or The Notebook?"


    "This bird here is the descendant of the bald eagle," Dylan says beside me in our lifeguard chairs chatting my ear off.

    It's nine in the morning on a Tuesday and I have to act genuinely interested in a guy who wants to talk about birds all day. Nice.

    I woke up this morning feeling like absolute shit. I have no idea what was in that double cheeseburger last night, but holy shit, I feel like I need to throw up. Aaron drove me here instead of me walking because he even said I looked bad. When he pays attention I know that I must look ultimately terrible.

    "Hey, are you okay?" Dylan asks looking at me with a concerned face.

    I nod my head, "Yeah, I just think I ate something last night that is not currently sitting well."

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