41: Dear Brother...

Start from the beginning

Raya nodded yes and Vashi said, "That's great, I'm sure she'll be thrilled to go with you."


"I really wish I could accompany you Raya, but I can't. I will be leading the royal army of Fang and we will be making a grand entrance." said Namaari.

Raya sighed and said, "You have to?"

"Yes I do Raya. But you will be okay. Why don't you let Vashi accompany you?"

"I don't mind going with him but...what about Zou?"

"He's a part of the royal army."

Raya sighed. "Okay, Vashi it is. I'll go tell him."

"Okay dep la." Namaari gave her a brief kiss on the lips before leaving back to the warriors' drills."

Raya went to Vashi who was speaking to Chief Virana and said, "Hello Chief Virana."

"Hello, my queen." said Virana with a smirk.

Raya cringed and said, "No please...just call me Raya. All this is just...too much so suddenly and I'm slowly accepting it."

Virana chuckled a bit and said, "Sorry honey. I was just teasing. I have no idea you were so sensitive about it but I do understand the stress of sudden royal duties. I was appointed Chief of Fang when I was only 16. My mother passed after ailing for some time and my father passed long before when I was a baby. But the death of my mother had me so depressed and sad in grief...but I had to force myself into being ready to be appointed Chief. A sudden workload, not even having time to grieve about her. It was overwhelming. And though these are different circumstances, I know what being overwhelmed is like, and I want you to know that I am here for you."

Raya listened attentively then said, "Thank you so much for your support Chief Virana."

"Of course my dear. And your brother is one of the most supportive people I know." Virana looked to Vashi who smiled sweetly at Raya then said, "I will always be here for you, Raya."

Raya returned the smile and said, "Thank you Vash, I can't thank you enough for all you have done for me since we found each other."

Vashi pulled her in for a hug. "You don't need to thank me. You're my only sister and I love you."

Virana awed at the affection between the siblings then she said, "It's been a long day. We need to have dinner now so Raya can rest up for the day ahead."

"Right, we should." said Vashi.

They went to the dining table after some time and all the servants and warriors Raya passed were all congratulating her on her outstanding achievement and she replied with 'thank you's and smiles but on the inside, she felt an immense pressure. She was also disappointed that Namaari wasn't present at dinner. The short notice of Raya's coronation forced the Fang warriors into working very hard to make their entrance perfect, thus, they got little rest. Afterwards, Raya was guided by one of the servants into her guest room as well as a warm bath that had been prepared.

"Thank you, I appreciate this." she said gratefully.

"Of course your highness, enjoy your bath."


Raya sighed as she went to have a relaxing bath but she felt loneliness because of how occupied Namaari was. Afterwards, she went into her sleepwear which was long teal satin pants and tank top. She did her hair into a messy plaited ponytail and went by the window, staring at the warriors rehearsing in the arena. She sighed and observed them for several minutes before someone knocked on her door. She went to open it and saw that it was Vashi. Vashi smiled and said, "Mind if I enter?"

"No, no. Come in."


He closed the door after entering and said, "It's getting late Raya, you need to rest."

"I'm not tired..." replied Raya.

"Then what's wrong?"

"I- I miss Namaari." replied Raya as she sat at the edge of the bed.

"This isn't for long. I'm pretty sure that you'll have her as much as you want soon." said Vashi. 

"She has duties here in Fang...and I'll be...queen. We will have less time together. You know, I really looked forward to being here in Fang? To enjoy the natural resources. And I- I feel as if I can't get a break because no matter where I go, these responsibilities or some major problem comes up." Raya broke down in tears and Vashi sat beside her and embraced her.

"Sis, I understand. But things will get better. Look at me."

When Raya's eyes made contact with his, he reminded her so much of her Ba when he spoke to her earlier that day. She just stared into his eyes and smiled with tears flowing down her face. Vashi's hand slowly cupped her cheek while he used the other to wipe away her tears. "Trust me when I say that things will get better. I know it's hard to imagine especially at a time as now, but things will work in your favor."

"Thank you for being here for me."

"I love you." replied Vashi.

Raya smiled at him and she briefly closed her eyes then Vashi said, "You know Raya, in Madilia, it's normal for siblings to show affection by kissing. It's not in a sexual way."

Raya opened her eyes and raised a brow and said, "What are you implying?"

"It's...a bit weird here to kiss your siblings on the lips here based on what I see but discovering my long lost sister and half brother awoken my sibling affection for you both." said Vashi.

"Wait...you kissed Zou on the lips?"

Vashi shrugged his shoulders. "He's my bro. And he was cool with it."

Developing Madilian culture is... never mind. Be prepared for a longggg ride with the next chapter but hope you enjoyed this one!

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