22: Mother's Love

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Raya and Namaari had spent some 'quality time' together before Namaari's departure back to Fang. Raya also hugged Zou goodbye since he also had duties in Fang. She would certainly miss Namaari a lot but she reassured her that she'd visit as soon as she could. The following 2 days were very tense for Raya since she was very anxious about seeing her mother but thankfully, her wounds were healing. The night prior to Adira's arrival, Raya was unable to sleep. She stayed at her window, gazing at the night sky and enjoying the occasional cool wind that blew through. She felt uneasy but it was the type that's not related to anxiety. However, later in the night, a wave of nausea propagated throughout the princess and she felt as though she was going to throw up. She headed to the bathroom should in case she needed to actually throw up.

The nausea gradually went away but the princess started to feel weak and exhausted. She took that as a sign to actually get some rest. The following morning when she woke, she still felt a little nauseous and decided to remain in bed longer than usual. 

"Raya you up?" came a voice accompanied by a soft knock. 

"Yeah..." she replied weakly.

Vashi entered with a smile which turned to a frown when he saw that his sister looked sick. He went over to her and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning Ry. Is everything okay?" he asked.

Raya nodded no.

"What's wrong?"

"I feel really sick... Really nauseous." replied Raya.

"Aww sorry about that sis. How about some tea that will ease your discomfort?"

"Sure..." replied Raya.

"Okay I'll tell the chefs and return, okay?"

Raya nodded in response and Vashi left to the kitchen. He returned after a few minutes and then said, "Well, today is the day. Excited to see mom?"

Raya smiled and said, "Yeah I really am but this sickness changed my mood a lot."

"You'll soon get better. It's probably because you weren't eating a lot over the past days."

"That's what I'm thinking of too. Well I...I want to have a shower right now. I'll join you at breakfast."

"Okay sis."

Raya left to have a bath and then she did her hair in a high messy bun before making her way to the table. She smiled when she saw her Ba and greeted him with a hug.

"Good morning my dewdrop. Vash told me that you were not doing so well. Feeling any better?"

"Not really but...I'm fine." Said Raya, sitting next to him. "I just don't really want anything to eat."

One of the servants served her a cup of ginger tea and said, "Your highness, this should help."

"Thank you Citra." replied the Princess with a smile.

The tea helped her and she felt better after a while. She wasn't well enough to eat anything but thankfully, her nausea went away. Later that morning, she went outside the palace and greeted her subjects but with 2 guards by her side. 

"Princess Raya, you are looking so beautiful this morning!" expressed one person.

Raya gave him a smile and said, "Good morning, thank you."

"May I please talk to you?" the male asked.

"Sure, is something wrong?"

"Not really. But I want to speak to you privately." the latter of his sentence was said in a partial whisper.

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