37: Conflicted

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After going with her girlfriend to Fang's infirmary, it was confirmed that Raya had a miscarriage. Namaari held her close and said, "Everything will be okay Raya."

Chief Virana entered the room and the healer told her what happened. She placed her hand on Namaari's shoulder and said, "Good morning dear, I know you're here supporting Raya but I'd like a moment with her."

"Okay mother." replied Namaari.

Namaari left the room and Virana put her arm around Raya's shoulder and said, "It's alright my darling."

"Ch-Chief Virana..." 

"I know this hurts so much sweetie." replied the Fang Chief, embracing the princess. Being in the arms of Virana reminded Raya so much of her own mother and she just became more vulnerable. After a good outpour of her emotions, Chief Virana said, "Feeling any better?"

"It's...so hard to really accept."

"I know the feeling. As soon as I was told by the healer that this happened, I knew immediately that the best comfort you need is that from another woman that knows the pain you're feeling." replied the Chief.

Raya looked at her in shock and said, "You had a miscarriage?"

"I did. In a pregnancy before Namaari. I struggled to conceive for many years. But in that particular pregnancy, I was...so happy...because things were going great. The symptoms of pregnancy were there but when I knew that experiencing them only meant that things are okay. When the miscarriage happened, I felt like...a part of me died. I fell into a state of extreme depression. I was even unfit to carry out my duties and at the time, my husband convinced me to relax from them so that I can mentally recover from the predicament. My depression could've caused me to make some...awful decisions. Thankfully, I didn't. Knowing the pain I went through, I just want to be here for you now."

Raya attentively listened as the Chief spoke and then said, "I'm sorry you had to go through all of that."

"It's okay dear. But Namaari happened a year and a half after and I couldn't have asked for a better daughter." replied Virana.

"And I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend."

Virana smiled, thinking about just how amazing Namaari has become. "You'll recover from this, Raya."

"I guess so..." replied Raya. "I just- I have to go back home. I need to know why this miscarriage happened."

"You will get the answers that you really need Raya, but you're in Fang to get away from Heart and enjoying some time with your girlfriend and siblings, right?"

"Right." replied Raya with a smile.

"Wonderful. Well what would you like for breakfast?"


While Kumandra rejoiced over the demise of Jiro, things were not looking good in Madilia when Adira arrived and explained what happened. She struggled to keep things orderly among the Madilians and Tyra stepped in her place and said, "Everyone please! Can we talk like civilized people instead of just shouting in confusion?!!"

They settled after a while and one warrior, Amisha, went to Tyra and said, "Tyra, most of the concern is from people who are originally from Tail. And others are saying that if everyone can't go back to Kumandra in peace, then none of us should, including Adira."

"But that is madness! Adira of all people should return to her family! She has a husband and three children there!"

"I agree, but- think of this from their point of view. We have all lived here together for so many years, we look out for each other, and now, some of us can return to our families while others can't? It's not fair." said Amisha. "And Adira needs to watch herself because if she leaves to permanently live in Kumandra, she will be treated as an outcast and enemy and Madilia will be at war."

"HOW DARE YOU!" In a fit of rage, Tyra fisted Amisha in her face and she fell. Before Tyra charged at her again, she said, "Tyra no! I- I'm just saying what the people are saying! I have no intentions to hurt her!"

All attention was on Tyra and Adira went over to her and placed her hand on her shoulder. Adira turned to her people and said, "I understand your concerns everyone. And I promise that I will find a way to resolve all this in a way that makes it fair for all of us." 

She pulled Tyra aside and said, "We need to talk..."

"Adira, I don't want them to hurt you. And I don't care what they'll say. Go home to Benja."

"No Tyra, that will only set the stage for another war. A real war this time. I have to remain here with all of you."

Tyra sighed and nodded in understanding. "I have an idea of how we can fix things. We are the initial problem and we wrecked their home. If we rebuild Tail, maybe that will serve as an apology."

"If it doesn't?"

"We'll just have to do whatever else we can. But this shouldn't just be about winning their trust. It's the right thing to do, Adira."

"I- I suppose you're right. I'll go back to Heart and tell Benja that I desire to have a meeting with the new head of Tail." replied Adira.

"Okay Adira."

Before leaving back to Heart, Adira stayed along the shore and just stared into the blue, thinking about what will be the most likely outcome for Madilia. It was a lot for her to think about and she started to feel really overwhelmed. She felt hands on her shoulder and immediately turned around. She smiled at Tyra and said, "Thank you for being here for me Ty."

"I'm always here for you." Tyra wrapped her arms around her waist but then Adira backed away a bit and said, "From anyone's point of view, this would be a...compromising position."

"S-Sorry..." replied Tyra, taking her arms from around Adira and blushing a bit. "Can we talk?"

"Of course." replied Adira.

"I- I know that you're a mom with 3 children and you have a husband that you love but I- ugh...nevermind Adira."

Before Tyra walked away, Adira said, "Wait...Tyra. You know you can talk to me about anything."

"I do. But you're already under pressure from our people. I don't want to add another complication to your life." replied Tyra. "I'm sorry."

While she walked away, Adira said softly, "I know what you want to say."

Tyra stopped and slightly turned to look at her. Adira's next words completely shocked her as she listened to exactly what she was experiencing.

Something new is amiss! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, more soon!

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