30: Back to Heart

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When Alanze returned with Raya in her arms at Heart, Vashi rushed to her and said, "What- what happened? Is she okay?"

"She will be fine, she needs rest."

Vashi took her in his arms and said, "I'll take her to her room, thank you."

"It was my pleasure."

Vashi went to Raya's room with her and she groaned slightly.

"Vash?" she said weakly as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Don't worry, you're home."

Raya wrapped her arms around his neck and then said weakly, "I- I did it..."

"That's amazing but you can fill me in on everything when you fully recover. Do you feel for anything? A drink? Food?"

"No thanks...but...can you get Namaari?"

"Of course."

Vashi went to get Namaari who was talking with Adira. "Hey Namaari, hey Mom. Raya's back and she'd like to see Namaari."

Namaari smiled and said, "That's wonderful! How is she?"

"Weak. The dragon said she just needs some rest and she'll be fine." said Vashi.


"She's in her room so you can go pay her a visit."

"Thank you Vashi."

Namaari went to Raya's room and she went  to embrace her. "Dep la, it's so amazing to see you."

"You too Maari."

Raya didn't hesitate to kiss her and then said, "Did they...find Jiro?"

"Yes Dep La, he's detained here."

"I want to see him." said Raya.

Namaari was a little shocked by this and she said, "Excuse me what?"

"I want to see Jiro...before his execution." 

"You do know that a heavy presence of the most trusted guards of Heart will accompany you, right?"

"What can he do from a cell? I don't need guards. I can handle myself perfectly." said Raya.

She was slowly regaining her energy and sat up. "About the baby though... My pregnancy will cease for the next 5 years so between now and then, I won't have periods but I'll still be pregnant. I couldn't just kill it Namaari, I don't have the heart to do so."

Namaari's eyebrows furrowed but then she said, "Whatever suits you. So I have 5 years to mentally prepare myself to be a second mother..."

"You're...not mad?"

"Not really, after thinking this through and talking with your mom, I examined the situation from multiple viewpoints. And getting rid of it is ridding a life that might be promising to all of Kumandra. It's not about how it formed, it's about who it will become and that is mostly left in the hands of the parents. We'd eventually plan on getting married and regardless, I'd never want you to go through pregnancy, pain...all the horrible things and not being with you along the journey. If I were absent, what partner am I? It's my duty to love and care for you and support decisions that you make." 

Namaari genuinely spoke from her heart and Raya smiled at her and pulled her in for a hug. "I can't thank you enough Namaari, I'm so happy to be your girlfriend."

"I'm the happier and lucky one to have such an incredible person as my girlfriend. So, you sure you want to see Jiro alone?"

"Yeah, I need to know why. And I will find out today."

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