32: A Loving Evening

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Raya turned around and saw that it was Vashi. He smiled at her and said, "We need to talk Raya."

"Okay." replied Raya.

"In private." whispered Vashi.

"Is...everything okay?"

"No...just follow me. When we have enough privacy, I'll explain."

Vashi kept his arm around her as they walked and he led them to the highest room in the palace. Before Raya entered with him, she said, "Why are you taking me here?"

"I have been feeling this strange force in the palace ever since Jiro got here. I can feel imbalances in energy because we practiced magic in Madilia. And I think Jiro has some history with it as well and I even feel this really weird force as though there's another presence around sometimes. It's really concerning me and I came here because that energy feels a lot weaker here. I walked around the entire palace and this is the only place that I feel it really weak."

Raya felt her heart palpitate and said, "Are you serious?"

"Yes I am Raya."

"I even told Ba earlier today that I- I don't want to sleep here knowing that he is in the palace. I've been uncomfortable from the start."

"Me too. But I won't let anything happen to you...or anyone for that matter. I'm going to stay up throughout the night. Do you mind me staying with you in your room?" asked Vashi.

"It wouldn't be a problem if it was just me but...I don't think Namaari will be okay with that."

"What? Were you two planning to get a little spicy in there?" asked Vashi with a teasing smirk.

Raya frowned and said, "No, we weren't...we actually left on a bad note."

"I saw that... What was that fight about if you don't mind me asking?"

"I was considering maybe...not killing Jiro and then we made reference to the past when we were enemies and..." Raya sighed and began lightly sobbing.

Vashi embraced her and said, "It's okay Raya, I'm here for you."

"I just- I just wish we didn't have such a horrible past...I wish she and I didn't need to argue so much with her all the time..." Said Raya through her sobs.

"I understand Raya. But don't worry. Things will be okay. I need you to confront Namaari about this, okay?" said Vashi.

Raya nodded yes and Vashi wiped away her tears and kissed her cheek. "It's getting pretty late. I'm going to find father and also inform him of this."

"Knowing that some energy is here makes me don't wanna stay alone...especially because I cannot sense it like you."

"I understand but don't worry, you'll be okay, I promise." said Vashi. 

They shared a hug before returning to the main part of the palace. Vashi saw Adira with a concerned expression and he went over to her. "Hey mother, do you have a minute?"

"Of course my son. Do you feel it too?"

"I do." replied Vashi.

"I can create an energy barrier around the rooms of the palace to prevent any...entity from trying to harm anyone. Especially Raya." said Adira.

"Great idea mom."

"Your father was looking for you by the way. we should be present at dinner."

"I guess we'll put up the barrier later then."

Adira nodded in agreement as they headed to the dinner table. Namaari was already there talking with the Chief and when Raya saw them, she noticed how uncomfortable Namaari was. She decided to sit next to Vashi. Namaari saw this and she made eye contact with Raya who nervously looked away. There was lingering tension throughout the duration of the dinner but a kind not linked to suspected entities in the palace. Afterwards, Raya was the first to excuse herself from the table and she went to have a shower. 

In the meantime, Vashi and Adira combined their energies to create and invisible energy barrier. "This should prevent anything from harming anyone." said Adira.

"Yeah, I hope there are no surprises." replied Vashi.

He then went to Raya's room and knocked on her door. 

"Who is it?" asked Raya.


She opened the door and smiled at him. "I am so desperate to protect you Raya. I'm staying with you tonight."

"Thank you Vashi." said Raya.

He embraced her and then said, "So what's on the agenda for tonight?"

"Well I didn't really plan anything. Maybe I can get some historical scrolls. You're pretty fond of Kumandra so you can learn more about our history." said Raya.

"That sounds great. Let's go get the scrolls."

Meanwhile, Adira and Benja were together in Chief Benja's room and the Chief said, "Ready to take a bath together?"

"Sure, it's...been a hot day today." Said Adira while blushing.

They both went into the bathroom and into the tub. Adira was very shy and Benja said, "I can feel just how tense you are, dear."

"It's just...I haven't done this in literally...16 years."

"I understand. But here's something to know. You're still my very beautiful and sweet wife. Adira, not a day went by when you didn't cross my mind. And it still feels so surreal that we are finally together again." Said Benja softly. 

"I- I've missed you all those years. But my pain turned to anger and lust. I'm just so happy that...things are okay now." She leaned back onto his chest and he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her forehead. "I love you Benja."

"I love you too Adira."

The Chief's hand slowly went down her body and slowly caressed her inner thigh. She moaned softly and whispered. "I've missed this."

"Me too. But let's not accidentally create another child." 

"That will be up to you."

When the Chief deciphered what Adira meant, he chuckled lightly and said, "In that case, we have nothing to worry about."

"Looks like you're a pro at control."

"That's right, honey."

"Woah, this archive is so huge!" exclaimed Vashi.

"Yeah, there's so much to learn and I'm pretty sure that I haven't even covered quarter of the scrolls in here." replied Raya

"Well let's get started."

"What section do you want us to cover?"

"Hmm not sure. I'd love to learn more about spells."

"Spells? Why?"

"It was...kind of my thing in Madilia."

"We don't really cast spells here in Kumandra though. At least..in Heart. But let's see what scrolls have to say about the history." said Raya.



Namaari was by herself at the balcony thinking about what happened with Raya but then she suddenly collapsed. The nearby guards saw and immediately rushed to help her.

"Your highness!" one guard shouted.

They took her to the infirmary and one of the healers said, "She just...fainted?"

"Yes. She was just standing there and just fell." replied the guard.

"Maybe she wasn't feeling too well." replied the healer. "We'll look after her. But send a notice to Chief Benja regarding this situation."

"I will."

Benja and Adira are...👀👀👀 Anywayyyysssss, what happened to Namaari? Stick around to find out! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! The next chapter will be kind of crazy though!😭

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