7: Disturbed

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After warning the Tail Chief, Pengu and Eriq returned to the cave but stayed on the outside, looking out into the blue. 

"So..." Pengu began in his deep, strong voice. "Feeling much better?"

"Oh absolutely. I'm really great. You?"

"Likewise. A bit on edge because of all that's happening but I'm good."

"I'm sure everything will be fine. Don't worry Pengu."

Pengu gave him a sweet smile and Eriq felt as though his heart skipped a beat. Since they all came back from being stone, he got close to Pengu and his siblings but he felt most attached to Pengu. That's why he was so willing to risk his life. He wanted to please him and it's more than just 'pleasing a close friend'. Eriq had been developing some 'unusual' emotions for the water dragon but no way was he going to tell him that. He preferred living in his imagination and picturing what they could be. It felt safe but it wasn't real.

"I'm not too worried Eriq. With dragons like you, no way will Kumandra be defeated. You're very powerful and conscientious. Those are two assets to guarantee our victory."

Eriq only blushed even more. "It's an honor, Pengu. I'll do anything for us."

Pengu smiled at him before saying, "That's very sweet of you."


Chief Benja bowed to Jagan and said, "Hello Jagan, is something happening?"

"It's impending, for all of Kumandra. A large group of unknown warriors are plotting to overthrow the rulers of Kumandra and you are in jeopardy right now. We first sensed negative energy and early this morning before the break of dawn, one of the dragons flew to check it out and he was attacked but thankfully, Pengu rescued him. He and Sisu also swam to the energy and that's when they saw the massive army. Plotting to strike within a week and their aim is each leader. Pengu believes that all the dragons can easily defeat them but we won't underestimate their potential so we are notifying each leader so that they can formulate a plan should in case anything escalates."

The Chief and Princess were shocked at what Jagan said. Raya instantly thought of the dreams she had. "Jagan, I think I might be linked to this somehow. I've recently been having dreams...being attacked in them and surrounded by darkness. Someone from Fang also has the same episodes and he believes that they are visions."

"Hmm...and this is constant?"

Raya nodded yes. "Every night they happen. But what connection would I have with a group of people that want to destroy Kumandra?"

Jagan thought for a moment before responding, "Maybe because you saved the world, you have the ability to see things like this to warn us."

"That wouldn't be hard to believe, dewdrop." Said the Chief.

"But why doesn't anyone else like... Namaari has those dreams? Although... her cousin is the one going through the same thing that I am."

Jagan exhaled and said, "I'll let Pengu know of this. In two days when we will collectively meet, invite your companion. I think there is a dragon that can see your dreams and interpret them so you can meet with her and possibly understand why they're happening and if you are truly connected. For now, focus on coming up with that defense plan for Heart and to a greater extent, Kumandra."

"Okay we will Jagan, thank you for the notice." said the Chief.

After Jagan left, Chief Benja said, "I really don't want a war but if we should have an army on standby, we'll just have to."

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