Together, we walked in the arena. A big and spacious event place welcomed us. Classical music surrounded the area. There were tables and chairs scattered as well as big and tall men in black suits.

Everything was intimidating.

"Oi, Jeno!" A tall man made his way in front of us.

"Great to see you, Lucas." Jeno said in his usual monotonous voice.

The man names Lucas scanned the members until his eyes landed on me. He frowned. "Newbie?"

"Yes. She's Eight." Jeno replied.

Lucas smiled and offered his hand. "I'm Lucas."

I shook his hand and nodded my head. "Eight."

"What's you role then?" Lucas asked, his eyes attached on me. I would say I felt weirded out but in all honesty, he also had a friendly and comforting aura.

"Anything." I replied causing him to laugh.

"Feisty." Lucas and the boys chuckled.

"Eight's always like that. She could be considered arrogant but she's a great member." My heart felt happy at Jaemin's words.

"Well then, I'm looking forward to seeing see your work." Lucas last stated before making his way to the other men.

"That's Lucas. One of the greatest marksmen out of there." Chenle whispered by my side.

I hummed, faking amusement.

"Fix yourselves. We're meeting our seniors." Jeno said quietly but enough so all members could hear it. He eyed every member and landed his gaze on mine. "And you, don't say nor do anything reckless."

"I'm not that impetuous, you know." I calmly replied.

I saw the other boys smile while Jeno, himself, did not say anything else and turned his heel away instead, walking into three middle-aged men chattering who had different auras projected in their faces and bodies.

Jeno's Point of View

"Superiores." I greeted firmly but made sure that there was notable respect in my tone. Standing next to my seniors feels like standing next to billions of people who always have something bad to say about me— it's not that I care if others judge me, but one judgement from them would make me rethink my life decisions. After all, they're more experienced than any of my members and I combined.

The talking among the Superiores stopped. Their attention was now on me and my members.

"Ah, hijo. It's been a while." A man with grey hair greeted. Superiore Miguel's dark brown eyes glistened at my sight.

I thought to myself.

"You call him hijo like he's not the underboss of his unit. What's it called again?" Another old man with an obviously dyed hair and bright green eyes replied. It was Superiore Carlo. He pushed his brown hair up and acted as if he was thinking of the answer to his question. "Ah, Sueño." A proud smirk formed in his lips when he was able to answer his own question.

"Your memory must be getting hazy, Carlo." Superiore Miguel laughed.

"Ay, silencio, Miguel. You must not say bad words." Superiore Carlo replied, his face lighting up with silliness.

I looked at Eight. Her eyebrows were subtly frowned as if trying to remember something by looking at the faces of the Superiores. It was like she knew them but couldn't remember it. That was the kind of situation I could see in her eyes.

Another voice followed. This time, it was stern and clear. I instantly knew who it was. "And who are you?" I followed the voice and saw Superiore Alfonso coldly staring at Eight. He fixed his attention on her, examining her face and body.

His eyes on her made me feel uncomfortable.

"She's Ei—"

"I'm asking her, Jeno." I was cut off by Superiore Alfonso's powerful voice. It's the kind of tone you don't dare to reply to.

"Eight." Eight shortly replied.


Alfonso's eyebrow raised. "Since when did you recruit untrained and uneducated... women?" His words were full of disgust. "You could have worn something better, woman. You look as if you were picked up from the streets. A whore is what they call it nowadays I believe."

"Apologies, Superiore. I will talk t—" I was once again cut off, this time by Eight's voice.

"Señore, I don't think "untrained", "uneducated", and "whore" are the adjectives suitable for my description. Maybe we could try others such as "amazing", "cool, or "extravagant"." She replied, her usual sarcastic smile forming on her lips. "And my clothes does not define my skills. I can wear nothing and still kill someone without them even knowing that they're dead."

Alfonso shot her a deadly glare. "You imbecile!" He shouted, pointing his golden staff at her.

"Alfonso, calmante." Miguel whispered loud enough so Alfonso and the others could hear him.

"This hija is... different." Carlo had his eyebrows furrowed but I could see amusement in his eyes.

"You better choose your members wisely if you want your head to stay on your body." Alfonso warned while looking at my eyes directly and left the group. Miguel and Carlo stayed with us.

"Don't worry, hija. He's always like that." Carlo chuckled. Pushing and fixing his brown hair up again. It has become his mannerism at this point.

"Alfonso is always the traditional one. Apologies for his sudden outburst." The kind Superiore, Miguel, said.

"No need to apologize, Superiore. It was completely my member's fault. She shouldn't have said that." I stated calmly, but deep inside I was burning with anger.

The two seniors nodded. Both understanding and kind enough to let it pass.

But I wouldn't.

"We'll go for now." I said as a goodbye and bowed respectfully, my other members doing the same. I looked back and instantly locked eyes with Eight who had a playful smirk on her face.

Oh, you think this is a funny?

You are so fucking dead, Eight.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now